I have searched and searched for an answer here but can’t seem to find it. I just got a the Beatbuddy and am loving it. I have quantiloop on my ipad and have it successfully connected to the Beatbuddy through midi with a widi master. This means quantiloop can start the beatbuddy and set tempo automatically. But what I want is for this to work in the other direction: start the quantiloop with the beatbuddy footswitch. In quantiloop you can set start/stop with CC codes, but the beatbuddy doesn’t send CC codes for start/stop - it just send a start/stop midi command. I’ve set the beatbuddy output to midi channel 2, and the quantiloop incoming midi to channel 2 as well. I know they’re connected because the quantiloop can communicate with the beatbuddy, but I just can’t figure out how to get the beatbuddy to communicated with the quantiloop.
I almost gave up on this, but I found this thread that references that this should work! Any ideas to try out? Thanks for any help!!