I was on the song matching tool and it said to use Ska, can’t find it on the beat buddy
It’s in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) genre folder for David’s Beats
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I just got the BBM and it’s blank. How do you get a genre folder ?
Assuming you bought the BeatBuddy (BB) new and if that’s the case, it came with an SD card.
- Insert the SD card in your computer media reader slot;
- Launch the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM);
- BBM - File - Open Project and navigate to your SD card;
- Allow it to open the project on the card and follow the prompts:
- Save project to your computer bbworkspace folder
- Approve future synchronization to the SD card
There’s a link in here for the user guide: * Link (in blue font) to new user resources which you should find useful.