Importing audio files into Aeros

Hello, this is not on 4.3.1, no it will be in the next iteration following, and is in progress


This is now possible in 5.0.3 on wifi :slight_smile:

Tagging this as #implemented

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Great Progress for a very desirable feature. “we plan to make backing tracks compatible with Autoquantize and Quantize mode soon”… Kinda fuzzy on the definition of soon in relation to a window of time. But being able to easily load backing track now is Great! Being able to easily upload backing tracks is a main use of the looper in my practice mode, and very desirable to quantize with BeatBuddy integration. I suppose per your previous instruction I could load the track by playing it into the Aeros Looper input. Thanks for your replies and progress.

Thanks for the high marks and we were way ahead of you!

5.2.0 will now allow for importing to all Song Grid Mode types (Auto, Freeform, Quantized), allow sync tracks to be turned on, and will give options to add 360 samples and/or a fade to improve usage on the device itself

Read more here: