Clipping is a big deal and occurs pretty easily if you are not careful how you change settings upstream from the Aeros (my amp has better headroom than the Aeros I guess?)
Provide a way to show the input level all the time (not just on the mixing display or for a few seconds after the volume wheel is changed).
I see, I misunderstood the post, I thought you meant from stopped. I highly doubt we will make the input always seeable even during playback, it is just too much detraction from an already small screen. We know input management is something important, but this will not likely be part of that updating.
I apologize for originally misunderstanding the request.
In that case would you mind removing the completed tag. It’s not complete. You might want to add a won’t fix tag (not that I agree this is the right call on this one).
Knowing your input level is important as the device can clip or cause something downstream to clip. I change somwrhing to solo and now my level is way off.
This display could be much smaller than the current, stopped version of the display. Just a few pixels wide would do. Or just a very small indicator that your live signal is red, yellow, green.
Appreciate this going to the dev team for evaluation in some way. Can you separate the need to address this from a particular implementation or challenges (like screen space). There are many ways to skin a cat.