Installing free beat buddy package from groove monkee

Yo dudes

I just got the free beat buddy loop package from groove monkey, want to try these before I buy the mega bundle, but I wanted to ask is it just as easy as updating the bbuddy when you drag and drop the files onto the sd card ? Is there a video for how to add the loops ? I saw a video but it seemed complicated having to go into the bbuddy manager and I thought it might be simpler now with the updated version of bbuddy ?

Many thanks

Use the BBM File > Import > Folder.

Do not use drag and drop or use the computer OS to manipulate BB songs, folders or drum sets. The BBM manages all of the files in a proprietary manner.

…and please let us know what you think of the free package!

wait …so when you say “use the BBM file” i have to download beat buddy manager ? where can i get a link for downloading the manager ?

It would probably be more helpful for you to start by reading just a little bit to get you off on the right foot: * Link (in blue font) to new user resources

Once you read through the contents, then you should download, install and configure the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) from

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thanks buddy