Loop Behaviour Options

Just a reminder that this feature request has NOT been implemented.
It has been incorrectly marked as implemented.

Again, locking the Sync to Length only is not performing the behavior I described in my OP at all, so I made a video to demonstrate why there should be an option to do so…

Think of locking the length of the tracks in terms of the second track acting just like an overdub would - so if the opening loop is 2 bars, then all other loops on all other tracks are also locked to 2 bars. This way, you don’t get the gaps I ended up having in this demo.

I really think, as someone who has been looping professionally for 15 years, that this is an incredibly significant issue. I am so so so close to absolutely loving the Aeros… but just … GAHHH :laughing: Why??? Having the option to completely lock the lengths of all loops like this should be the first and most obvious thing to do? impo

Back to my original Feature Request… still a good, a very very very good idea as an alternative option for a much smoother and efficient looping experience. Over to you please :slight_smile:


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Hey again,

We are going to review your request, but to be honest, we likely will not do a revamp of the current system

It seems that what you want is possible already, but just requires changing the timing of the action so that it happens at the desired time

We are also exploring having a setting to be able to set tracks to commit themselves automatically based on a set length, but this is not currently a priority. There is potential for overlap in the two requests.

Thanks for your patience, we will get back soon!

Hey Brennan happy new year and thanks for considering. I would say that this is not necessarily true, as it depends on what is being recorded into the looper at the time. So in some situations yes, and in other situations no. As we all know, an overdub layer can start and end anywhere, and is locked to the length of the loop underneath it, which will result in clean connections at each end.

Again, not to take anything away from the incredible and unimaginable amount of work that has gone into creating and updating the Aeros, but as it stands at present, at least for my style of looping, I find that things can get messy where I am opening and closing the first layer of the second track at the connection point, depending on what I am playing. Thanks again I appreciate you!!