Maestro app downloaded, updated MM, what now?

So I’ve installed the Android app, used it to update MM firmware and default settings. Great.
Now I need to understand how to program a custom setting. I can easily understand the layout of the app with the six buttons per page, add title to each button and soforth. But as for how to actually do things with BB and Aeros, I still have to figure it out. Would be really nice with a general start up-guide for noobs like myself. Does’nt have to be a fancy manual, just some bullit points in the forum.

There is a default mode for controlling the BB from the MM. It’s the only thing that is working for now.

Regarding the Aeros, a default mode exists also but can’t work as the Aeros MIDI support is not complete enough yet, so you’ll have to wait.
Then, for controlling other (non Singular Sound) MIDI devices, apart from the app manual I guess that little material (tutorials, youtube videos) explain how you can do it.

The situation will hopefully improve over time as the device software updates make it really usable. To be honest, as of today it was only an extended controller for the BB. But it’s of course not the initial intention of the device and its innovative design (especially: one dedicated screen per button, and programmable from a mobile phone).

Forgot to say that if you have all 3 devices MM -> BB -> Aeros, then you can chain them in this order, as the BB can send some MIDI messages to the Aeros like start record or part change (along with the MIDI clock for sync tempo). But direct MM -> Aeros is not straightforward for now.

Thanks for clarifying this. I’ve got all 3 devices connected the way you descibe, and thats the way I use MM. Really looking forward to the day I can control the Aeros the way I can with the BeatBuddy. I’m not looking to control any other mide devices than that.

Not true if you have the Android app! It does work beyond the default modes in this case.

The Aeros MIDI mapping is currently being tested that will be out soon!

I think the best thing to do is use the BeatBuddy Mode for now, as the Aeros only responds to the simple commands it sends out (Start/Stop/Transition) and you can use the MIDI Maestro to control the BB as @Imagine stated above!

We will work on content that improves customer usage! Thank you for your feedback!

Wonderful and inspiring by Jared here: (with track mute from the Midi Maestro)

OK, so I need some help to figure out how to send the proper commands with a custom mode on the Midi Maestro without searching through a bunch of manuals or docs.
Each button has a label and a toggle option in the app. Ok, I get that. Pressing the +button, I’m asked to enter “Command or device name”. Lets say I want something like Jared Smythe has set up here:
What should I enter to:

  • Start BB part 1, 2 etc
  • Arm next track on Aeros for record/overdub
  • Go to second Mute page
  • Mute/Unmute track 1, 2 etc.
  • Mute/Unmute BB
  • Go back to Tracks page

Any help much appreciated,

First, check out the BB midi command sheet:

  • Start BB part 1, 2 etc
    You will need to set the MM to send two commands for each part change, the first command must be a CC113 value 1-100 command. Value 1 starts the transition for Part 1, Value 2 for part 2, etc. This command must be on the press. You will then place a CC113 value 0 command on the release, this will tell the BeatBuddy to switch to the selected part at the beginning of the next measure. The Aeros, (in 3.1.3) responds to CC113 value 1-6, but this value does not start it from a stopped state. This is because the BeatBuddy will start the Aeros, and if the Aeros starts without the BB, there will be a sync issue. CC113 values 101-106 will act like a Next Part command on the Aeros and will also start it from a stopped state.
  • Arm next track on Aeros for record/overdub
    There is an Aeros Record New Track command on CC41 value 0, this is only applicable if you are using the Aeros Beta 3.1.3, there are no MIDI commands available on 3.0.0. You can find all the MIDI CC numbers on that thread.
  • Go to second Mute page
    You must set this button to redirect to page 2, it does not have to have additional commands on it.
  • Mute/Unmute track 1, 2 etc.
    The mute commands for the Aeros are:

Mute - CC:38

  • Value 1-6: Mutes/Unmutes track (track # = value #)
  • Value 0 - Mutes all tracks
  • Value 127 - Unmutes all tracks
  • Mute/Unmute BB
    This is not something you can do simple unless you mean the mute-pause function on the BB. BB must have mute pause enabled in the settings. Then use CC111 (0-127) to engage/disengage the mode.
  • Go back to Tracks page
    Same as the other set-up, you must redirect back to page 1

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

So what is the exact syntax for a command?

How so?

What do I actually write in the command line? Like CC113-1? Or CC113[1]? Or something else? Probably a stupid question, but thats my level of experience in this case …

In the app, you have several fields, in the case of CC commands, you will have one for channel, one for command #, and then one for the value. Does this answer your question? Do you have the app on Android?

OK, so I need to download commands first. I did not get that. Now I have downloaded all BB/Aeros commands and have a list to choose from. That’s one step in the right direction, I guess. I was trying to type in some kind of command, thats why I asked for the correct syntax. Well, here we go …

Well, technically you can download commands, but you are also able to and encouraged to create your own commands.

When you click on an empty slot to add a Button Setup (list of all commands that happen when using button) you then have to hit the plus sign. Once you do, you go to your My Commands page which is a list of all locally stored commands. There, at the bottom of the screen, is a plus sign that allows you to create a new command.

Here is where you fill out all the parameters of commands. You hit save to add it to your My Commands page, and then can add it to the Button Setup by selecting the command.

Great. I apprecciate your assistance, and hope you’ll be able to summarize this and other tips in a user guide some day. Thanks again.

No problem, we are working on documentation now! It will be ready soon. We also hope to make some tutorial videos once the UX is a little more final. Feel free to ask me questions here or get in contact with for 1 on 1 assistance.