Midi Maestro delayed again!

We finally received the units in the office! However we did notice some bugs in the firmware which we’re working on fixing now. As soon as we’re satisfied that it’s functioning the way it should, we will inform you immediately by email and ship it out. Thank you all for your patience :sweat_smile:

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Time for another check-in: Any news on when these will ship? I’m getting really itchy, here…

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I’m curious also, just pre-ordered!!

Bump… June 2018 order with hopes of getting to play with it during Christmas break… looking like it might miss this Christmas as well…

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Nah, it’ll be here long before Christmas.

Notice I didn’t mention what year. But then, neither did you.


Fingers crossed – I’d like to have it for the holidays as well. But I’m gonna need the app to go with it.

Know what would be cool with the app – I mean, since we’re waiting anyway? It would be very cool if we could define the MIDI control of every piece of gear out there that we – the collective hive – have, and then somehow feed that into the app/programming API. So instead of having to program in MIDI, we could just say, “Black out the lights” (which, in my case would send NOTE119 Velocity 120 on Channel 1 – which it sucks that I have to memorize).

I believe they are planning something similar that will let us program a button to (for example) change folders on the BB without having to know what the MIDI command is for that. If they opened that up to crowd-sourcing somehow, maybe by driving it with a simple text file, that would be really cool. Then we as a hive mind could share control configurations amongst ourselves.

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I replied to the email they sent out yesterday about the Loop Studio. I asked about an update to the MM release date and got this reply :
"Hi Jim,

We have the Maestros in our Miami office, however we are working on fixing a few crucial bugs in the software. We hope to have it ready within 4-6 weeks. I am sorry for how long this is taking, we are doing our best to get it out ASAP, and we want to deliver it only when it is fully ready.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know. Thank you."

Well, I suppose, given the issues with the Aeros and what seems like maybe a bit of a premature release, that might be the wiser move. I still hold a lot of hope that it’ll be worth waiting for.

Agree. I hope it won’t be deprecated when we’ll (finally) receive it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

At this rate, when it finally shows up, it’s going to be accompanied with the sheer joy I feel when I pull my winter jacket out of storage and find a dollar I forgot I had in the pocket!


Seriously, though, the whole “deprecated” thing would actually be a real concern were it not for the fact that MIDI is universal and essentially a dead language (i.e., it doesn’t change). Otherwise, I might have been genuinely concerned. Instead, I can stay hopeful.

The way I read the blurb on the Midi Maestro page on SS website is that there are “pre-defined commands for popular gear”… I think it’s fair to assume that one item of “popular gear” is the Aeros Looper…so, my assumption is that further development of the Aeros firmware and release of the Midi Maestro are inextricably linked…There are still some serious shortcomings in the functionality of the Aeros (relative to what I read on the website before ordering it) and I would hope that all of these would be addressed in the next Firmware release(s).

The timing of the Midi Maestro release is mentioned earlier in this thread as “4 - 6 weeks” from now…according to jimmy3d’s communication with SS.

At that point in time (assuming that the Aeros is working as intended) I will re-order an Aeros (I just returned the one that I bought a couple of weeks ago) and I intend to use it with my MC6 Mkii which offers up to 16 MIDI commands per button press, and so long as SS are prepared to publish the full MIDI implementation documentation for the Aeros, I expect to be able to control it in exactly the same way as the Midi Maestro will allow.

After all, as another person has pointed out, MIDI is MIDI is MIDI…

SS - Please can we have an early sight of the MIDI documentation for the Aeros

Hi everybody, thank you all again for being super patient – obviously this is taking much longer than we anticipated. However we are making some very significant progress and we’re expecting a new firmware version for the MIDI Maestro today which we are going to test – we’re hoping it’s the final version for the Maestro’s hardware to be complete. Expect a video next week with more details about the final steps to release.

One question I’d like to put to you guys is, would you be ok with receiving the Maestro if the app isn’t 100% where it should be or would you rather wait? We will extend the money-back return period to start when the app is released. The BeatBuddy integration will be fully functional and the app will likely be partially functional as well, although without presets and a few UX issues. Both these issues should be resolved soon after release.

@milford59 regarding the Aeros MIDI documentation, we are hesitant to release any documentation early because as we experienced with the BeatBuddy, sometimes the implementation needs to be changed last minute and we don’t want to give incorrect documentation. Additionally, we’ve been getting great suggestions for MIDI implementation from those using their Aeros. Their feedback has already helped us improve our ideas on implementation, so it’s evolving as we listen to our customers.

The development of the MIDI Maestro and Aeros are not explicitly linked, however since we are a small company, they do sometimes impact each other.

Just a heads up – we have less than 30 Aeros units left in stock, so if you want to get it before 2020, you should order now. Since MIDI implementation in the Aeros is an important factor for you, I will personally extend your 60 day money back guarantee to start when our MIDI implementation is released.

I would be OK receiving the Maestro without the app.

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@DavidPackouz On the Aeros MIDI implementation, it might be useful to checkout some of the reviews of the Boss RC-10R including the three videos from guitarnica https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?posts/29531224/ . Making a looper sync behave well and work intuitively with a drum machine is not easy, but a key feature.

Hope this is in the spirit of learning from others mistakes (rather than providing ammunition in the marketing wars or schadenfreude).

And in the case where you can’t make it just work quite right, it would be great to detect and indicate that. (“Sorry Dave, but I can’t change the tempo and time signature. Please change it back to 100bpm 4/4 and or else I will open the pod bay doors”) This is a complex, non-standard instrument that users will inevitably use “wrong” and never know it.


My preference would depend on how half-baked the software is: If I can program manually but the UI isn’t pretty, I’d be happy with that to get me started; but if I don’t have the ability to program at all, then I’d be happy to wait. Without asking you to make any promises, what functionality is in the software and what’s missing? Are most of the issues UI-related, or are they actual Maestro functionality?

Thanks, @DavidPackouz, for this update!

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Ok for me to receive it before the final software too! Of course!

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i am fine less than 100%…thanks David!

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Im fine to receive it early as well

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Yep, put me down for trying it early…and thanks for the update!

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I really would have liked to have been able to use the Midi Maestro by now, especially for Christmas.

I will be okay in receiving the Midi Maestro with the less than 100% app also. Thank you.