Midi Sync/BB and Voicelive 3. WOW.

Yeah but I play both acoustic and electric and more electric so thats not a 100% solution.

To Lovesinging.
the “box” is 12 inches aprox.
I also purchased the Switch-6 and a long cable. This allows much more flexability.
That’s all I use.

[ATTACH=full]9593[/ATTACH] We use VL3s and VL3Xs live at every performance. If you check out our videos you will see that we’ve eliminated. And we’re not going back! Check out some live performances on YouTube under the Deaf Bunnys Band. ROKKON!

Sync Start Stop Looper . Use 2 groups foot switch knobs.
Drum Mashines & TCH VL3 Looper Synch with my DIY Foot Controller video demonstration:

Schematic DrumMashine Start/Stop & TCH Looper Stop/Start