My OnSong setup with BeatBuddy

The developer is working on it, trying to figure why this is happening. He is really cool about it and wants it fixed as soon as possible… Of course with new software there is always something that needs to be dealt with. But he assured me it will be fixed right.

Well, he had a break through, he has figured what was happening and repaired it. I am really impressed with the software. The reason I was having the issues was due to my IPAD being an older version, so he made it possible for the older IPAD, mine is a (4) to work.

So what setting do I need to auto stop the looper when I pause or stop the beat buddy? Thanks so much for sharing.

I had a break through too with the Quantiloop developer. I am trying to cut over to all ipad guitar effects and voice effects through the duo (1 Channel guitar and 1 channel voice through the duo). For voice on the IPAD I use audiobus that chains Vocalive/Silq (EQ)/ then to Quantiloop. For Guitar I use a chain in Audiobus that goes to Tonestack/then Quantiloop (Ruiarau turned me onto Midi Link Sync which allows the looper and all tone stack effects to synch with the midi tempo- so all my delays in tone stack and on my voice are automatically in time with all my Beat buddy song tempos). I have one blueboard to control Quantiloop by foot no issues. But I needed a 2nd blueboard w/ 2 expression pedals to control tonestack guitar effects. I found I could not connect 2 Blueboards to 1 IPAD. So the Quantiloop developer told me to put one Blueboard in start up mode B (for Quantiloop) and the other blueboard in startup mode C for tone stack. Well so far it worked (2x blueboards used at the same time on same IPAD) but I have not tested the Tonestack blueboard extensively to see if all midi commands will work with al effects. But so far so good. If I can get this to work I can sell my : RANG3, RK5, Line 6 M9, small yamaha mixer, mic mechanic, TC Helicon Reverb pedal, and 10 band eq pedal for voice. This will actually make my floor board shrink to almost nothing and it will likely put some $ back in my pocket. Hopefully, all will work out so I can make the change.

Well, it has not been released yet, I am Beta testing for it, so I am helping out trying to get the software so it will work even with the older Ipad Gen 4. From what I understand the newer versions from the Ipad Air and above do not have these issues. He will be releasing an update in the near future, please stand by, he is working very hard on this, and wants to make sure it is done right.

Just wanted to drop a line of thanks to everyone on this thread. I’ve recently ordered a BB and bought OnSong. I play electric and acoustic guitar, as well as sing. I have a Ditto looper on the acoustic, but none on the electric. When I first thought about getting the BB, it was more to have a “drummer” in my duo and also solo. Now I’m seeing all sorts of possibilities via MIDI thanks to this thread. I was also planning on getting a Ditto X4 for it’s dual loops and MIDI capabilities, but I’m now thinking the Quantiloop app/Blueboard combo will work even better. It may be a little more expensive, though, as I’d need the iRig Duo I assume in order to have both guitars (one via instrument cable from the acoustic, one via XLR from the mic on the amp). I’m in the beginning stages of figuring out the best option to integrate the looper in this setup, and you guys have been instrumental in giving out good info. No question here, since you guys have gotten quite a few already! I’m sure I will down the road.

You need to go to the Phrase button, and change the end from End of loop to INSTANT

Anyone have success downloading the song book? I tried both links and just got a list of songs.

Yeah my bad, I stuffed up the link. I’ll reupload the song book later today if I get a chance

Just a note on the Pause button on the Beat Buddy and this may or may not affect you (and I’ve already raised the issue with the guys at Singular Sound; the people who make the Beat Buddy). It seems that when you unpause using a fill it will send a MIDI start command (FA) immediately, rather than at the start of the next bar or ideally just not at all.
This has the effect of resetting the sync between everything listening to the MIDI clock. So if you’re in Quantiloop, you’ll hear it stutter as it tries to resync the start of the bar.
You can test this for yourself using the app MIDI Link Sync; just set it up as normal, play a part and pause, then press a fill. You’ll see the bar reset immediately to the start of the bar and the Ableton Sync bar will pause as it waits for it to resync.

Again, this may not affect you, but it’s one of those oddities that could cause issues.

Thanks! You’ve been awesome with your help!

The link should be fixed now.

If your in search of a Looper check out the Quantiloop, he is running a sale right now, and does it ever have some nice upgrades, with more to come. Having a looper on an Ipad is second to none. Just with the improvements and updates alone that will be forth coming puts it ahead of its class on any hardware looper… This is the best looper I have ever used. I sold my hardware loopers and now just use my IPAD with Quantiloop.
I would to Thank ruairau for turning me unto this cool piece of software.
It works excellent with the BeatBuddy, and will even be controlled by OnSong. I use a puc+ to control mine with OnSong.

This may be a silly question, but for the Quantiloop users…are any of you sending this signal to a mixer or do you all use it via audio interface/DAW?

If you are sending to a mixer, how are you sending this signal from your Ipad?

I think your asking how am I connecting my Ipad to the mixer?
Well, There are several ways but I am using a Irig Duo.
If you do not need Stereo there is a Mono version as well.

Ok, that’s what I thought. Thanks for confirming. Going so much to an iPad makes me a little nervous. I’m using onsong now, and I use a behringer x air mixer that is controlled via iPad. My iTunes library is on it. If I added a looper and something happened to it, I’d be packing up! It is extremely handy though.

For those that store quantiloop loops,such as baselines, are those files relatively small, and do you back them up via cloud or Dropbox like onsong?

Well for me, I use (2) IPADS one for just my Quantiloop, and the other has my OnSong and Puc+ on it, that controls the Quantiloop and the BeatBuddy, through the the Puc+. I store all my loops on DropBox, also.

I’ve been trying to decide between the Ditto x4, Infinity, and Quantiloop. Since my mixer is ran through my ipad already, I’m leary of using quantiloops there as well, further taxing it. Hopefully storage is fine with both itunes (a lot of mine are from old cd’s) and onsong on there. I dont see adding another ipad, although it would make things worlds easier.

I’m a ways off from making that final decision. I probably won’t spring for a looper for awhile, especially if I go with anything other than the Ditto-it’s pretty much a no-go since it doesn’t support start stop via midi. I’ve been matching up songs on my setlist with either the resources page or my own ears, and adding the CC’s for tempo to my onsong files. Next up is to dive into updating everything with the midi lines for song and kit, then I’ll be ready to get the breakout cable and bluetooth midi Yamaha. Slowly but surely getting there!

I had a Hardware looper and sold it. The Quantiloop is beyond anything I have used as far as loopers are concerned. There is NO Way I am going back to a hardware looper. I can record endless numbers of Phrases, until i run out of space on my IPAD. I love it. I have used many, many loopers, this thing is killer. It time stretches like no looper I have ever used. Plus, the sound quality is awesome. It is stupid simple to use and easy to record into it.Plus the updates that keep coming out.Do what you think but for the price of less then 10.00 and a interface it was a no brainer for me. The best part is it works excellent with the BeatBuddy, and OnSong

You make a great point. If I ever wanted to use pre recorded bass loops, the quantiloop would be the way to go. I’m going to look into it more before I write it off. Thanks!

What’s your whole setup? I gather iPad 1 has OnSing and the Puc+ app. IPad 2 has Quantiloop. The Puc+ is attached to the BB via the midi cable. iPad 2 has an iRig for your guitar in and the Quantiloop out. BB and iPad 2 via the iRig go to your mixer. OnSong and Quantiloop are linked how? Just Bluetooth? Via AudioBus? And then Quantiloop is controlled via a BlueBoard? Am I close?

I am trying your see if I can get the same deal going, but with UnRealBook rather than OnSong.