New Beat Buddy User - Help for using to perform live and to rehearse

Hi, everyone! I’m trying to set up my BeatBuddy to play songs with just the plain beat—no fills or outros. I’ve added the beats to the SD card manually (using a browser on my Mac) and renamed them to match the songs I associate with each beat.

Here’s what I’d like to do:

  1. Play each song (just the plain beat).
  2. Pause or stop it.
  3. Use the footswitch to advance to the next song.

I also have the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) installed but haven’t used it much yet. Should I be using BBM to create a setlist or adjust settings instead of manually adding files?

Any advice on how to achieve this setup would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help!

By using browser I assume you mean BBMO, right? I think BBMO supports setlists while BBM doesn’t :thinking:

I’m a bit lost, so I guess you are copying/modifying some beats (or creating from scratch) but I’m not sure why you are not happy? Or what makes you think what you are currently doing isn’t enough? :thinking:

Is it just a question of “how to create setlists”? :upside_down_face:

Using setlists over copying and renaming songs is beneficial if you want to make changes to the songs so that it affects multiple setlists. Also, you can have multiple setlists at once so you can prepare for multiple gigs at the same time :blush:

But if you’d prefer that the same song in different gigs have possibly different beats etc, then you don’t have to use setlists :smiling_face: The BB folders can be your “setlists” :yum:

If you’re not sure then try one way and if needed switch to the other :sunglasses:

Personally I’m using iPad app called MobileSheets to maintain my setlists. So on BB I’m just creating new beats only if what I want doesn’t exist within the default content :blush: (e.g. 3/4 ballad)

I’m just adding the midi commands to select certain beat for each song + midi command for tempo (and optionally drum set). I can also save the settings for my effects pedal (HX Stomp) per song :relieved:

Rather than use the BBM, consider using the BBMO to accomplish what you want. It’s all possible. You can really help yourself by reading the BBMO User Manual

To have a song with just the plain beat, you use the BBMO to edit the beat.

  • Create and name a new folder
  • Duplicate the beat
  • Move the duplicated beat to your newly created folder
  • rename the duplicate beat, change the tempo, drum set, etc
  • delete any or all of the fills (Intro, Drum, Transition and Outro) and just leave the Main Beat(s); see p14, item 11 shows the general idea of how to delete a fill
    º select the fill to be removed
    º click the Trash can icon and move on to the next fill
    º save project often as you go along
    º if you made a mistake, you can use the BBMO Undo as many times as needed
    º preview your work and if it’s what you want, Sync to SD Card

If you’re trying to add songs or beats without using the BBMO, you are headed for trouble (possibly a corrupted project). ALWAYS use the BBMO to manage the content of your BeatBuddy (BB) system.

You can find recommended settings for the remote foot switch here Suggested Remote Foot Switch Settings

All the questions you’ve asked can be answered by reading the BeatBuddy Manual firmware 4.16 and most of them have been answered on this forum (by using the Search function).

Good luck and if you have questions that are not addressed in the user manuals or on the forum, feel free to post your question. You can also get help by contacting Support,

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