Page turner

Hello, can Midi Maestro be used as a page turner for the OnSong app?

This link should answer your question: MIDI Maestro as a page turner

Can you explain how to set the MM to turn the page in OnSong?
I need basic functions such as raising and lowering the text and turning the next song and going back to the previous song.

Have you tried from OnSong forum/manual/support? :upside_down_face:

With MobileSheets (similar to OnSong) I just mark that which midi command does what action :smiling_face: Then I just make sure that MM is sending those commands (and that the text matches) :relieved:

I’m assuming it’s the same for OnSong but can’t comment on how to find these settings :sweat_smile:

You also need to make sure that the MM command is going with Bluetooth (or cable) so that your device can receive it :blush: MobileSheets has midi diagnostic tool that shows what commands it’s receiving :relieved:

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