Playlist alphabtically

I used the bb loader to carefully set up the playlist alphabetically. After, saving and syncing thr playlist on bbfff is not alphabetically organizes…. Why?

We suggest not using the BeatBuddy Loader and only using the BBMO

Please read more about the BBMO here:

The BeatBuddy Loader will no longer be supported.

I like bbmo, but i deleted my playlist bbmo, and then carefully alphabetized a new playlist. This correct on the bb pedal. What is not correct is the bbff display of the playlist it is no longer alphabetical….

So is this a sync problem with bbff?

Hello there,

Please show us a photo of the specific thing you would like to see changed, right now it is not clear what you are asking for

You should make your playlist from scratch on the BBMO, do not try to use the BeatBuddy Loader with the BBMO

There is no longer a BBFF, the BBFF app is now the BBMO please refer to it as BBMO to avoid confusion

Thank you!

The playlist is correctly alphabetized on bb bot is not correct on bbff? Why, and how to correct? Are others having provlems with this? I set this up manuall each entry. Still bbff seems to be out of sync!!! Please help.

Bbmo requires internet conne.i dont always have that on a gig so how can bbmo replace bbff on my ipad

I think there is confusion between BBFF and BBMO as BBMO used to be called BBFF Editor. To add more confusion many users called BBFF Editor just BBFF, which is the name of the app you are using if I’m correct :relieved:

BBFF is created by user andrew13 so if I’m correct then you can ask him :yum:

Let me explaim:
Bbff can be used like an editor.

The same bbff can be used on my ipad for portability at gigs.

The editor i use on a windows platform.

Bbmo does not run on an ipad without an net connection.

Or so i think this is the way it works,

We need some real clear definition about whatwill work on an ipad and/or a windows platform.

We also need to know what products ssound does not support.

So you can edit the MIDI files (beats), right? In that case you are talking about BBFF Editor.

BBFF is used just to command the BB with midi commands. You can’t modify any beats e.g. can’t add more bass drum to Ballad 2 for example :thinking:

And BBFF Editor can’t send those MIDI commands to BB, it can only edit the MIDI files and create new beats etc. Can’t select Ballad 2 on the physical BB, with tempo 70, now play, then transition etc.