Pride U2

Pride (in the Name of Love) DOP, OPB 2018-04-30 - U2 This file does not work well in the BBManager, Has anyone of you tried it?
The bass is not heard and the application is turned off.

I’m playing Pride right now in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) and the bass is loud and clear. There are 2 things to check; that you’ve

  • imported the v2 version of the song as it has the bass. The v1 version is just one-press drums.
  • downloaded, imported and activated the NP StdPBass 63-91 drum set.

Click the screen shot to expand it and see both the red 1 and 2

I have installed the NP StdPBass 63-91 but the 1 or the 2 does not appear in red.

I added those numbers to highlight the two checkpoints.

If you still don’t hear the bass, try it with the NP Standard Pro kit if you have it.

Ok, sorry I did not understand well, I’m going to try the Standart Pro. I suppose it will be available in Drum sets.

Do you have it available so I can install it in BBmanager?

The Standard Pro is a Premium kit. Let’s see if I can find you a link to another kit.

Ok thanks.

Use the SUB-Std_Pro_PL_Bass_62-91.drm kit as it has the bass in the right locations.

You can also delete the NP StdPBass 63-91kit and then re-download, import and activate it. Sometimes the kits don’t download properly and may behave as you’re reporting.

Can you share a screen shot as I did of the song and kit?

Indeed, I have uninstalled StdPBass 63-91 and had installed this new one, and this works fine. Thank you very much for your help, I am very grateful.

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