Marvin Gaye
- Starts on the 4th hit of the HH count-in
- Link (in blue font) to new user resources
Song version_________________Suggested kit
All versions use STAX 4 octave piano & strings
Includes: 3 songs, MIDI source file and Chords & Lyrics
Sexual Healing - Marvin (167.1 KB)
Ever get the feeling that software development moves at the speed of darkness? 
Dear Persist,
I wonder why this setup confuses simple people like me with these all these cronyms… Frustrating.
THe only thing i need is what beat and bpm you suggest for the song Sexual Healing from Marvin Gaye?
Michael Loefstok
Hi, Michael. Thank you for your interest in my work and for the suggestions.
There is a method to my madness and it may not appeal to all users but it does work once you understand it and that’s one of the reasons I posted a link with my songs. If you have not taken a look at the contents within that link, it might help you to better see what I’m doing:
Link (in blue font) to new user resources If you’re interested in learning more, start with the link to acronyms and then with the one on finding drum sets.
My songs are based on adaptations from MIDI source files—not beats. If you are looking for suggestions on how to use the default content beats as songs, you’ll have better luck using the Song Matching Tool which you can find here:
Since I’m not a very good pedal dancer, I’ve kept my songs simple. That’s why they’re one-press so that I can tap the pedal once to start the song (it plays all the way through with no Drum Fills or Transition Fills) and double-tapping the pedal twice stops the pedal when the song has ended.
- a v1 song is a drums one-press (DOP)
- a v2 song is a drums with bass one-press (OPB)
- a v3 and higher number means it has drums, bass and other instruments (piano, strings, horns and etc) OPBk
Granted, not everybody wants to use one-press songs as they prefer to create their own using the default content and the suggestions from the Song Matching Tool. That’s what the BeatBuddy (BB) system provides, adaptability and choice.
Dear persist,
Thank you for reply Moderator… After digging into the Beat Buddy Manager and reading BB manual… i slowly understanding your acronyms and finding my way and i do use the song matching tool. So i can navigate easier in your list.
Question i currently using Alesis SR-18 as my main drum computer for my Duo Gigs…There are some beats on the SR-18 that were created specifically for my needs (local vibe songs)… I would like migrate/transfer them to Beat Buddy… I though it was easier as import Midi Files into BB… But it is more complicated… Do you know some that can do this job for me… I’m willing to pay for this
Let me know Moderator
Appreciate your help so far
I would suggest sending a DM to @phil_flood and asking if he can help you.