This kit uses the same bass and drums as the STAX EPiano & Strings kit. The Oberheim OXa synth replaces the piano, and is pitched from C2 through B4. The strings are extended down to C3, and now range from C3 through G5. See the included kit map for details.
Hi Phil, first of all, thanks so much for all your contributions to the forum. I am new to BB and would like to know if you have a dropbox location where I can download all your kits.
Also, I am very curious to learn how those kits are created? for example, I have a midi file with heavy horns, trumpets and brasses. I know it will not sound great in BB but wonder how I could create a kit with all these instruments and how to determine the volume for each of them before merging them in one channel.
Thanks much in advance
My kits are available for download in the Resources section of the Forum. I do not have another publicly available location for download.
The attached document should give you some insight on how to edit or create a kit. To create a kit from scratch, within BB Manager, Select Drumsets>New Drumset, although, it is many times much easier to edit an existing kit. LBDM 4BB in the attached document refers to a commercial package I made to replicated the Alesis SR-16 on the BB. If you’re interested, it’s $39.99 for Forum members. You can find out more here:
To make your own drumkits, you would need to create or obtain wav samples of the instruments you are placing in the kit. For BB, wav samples should be 44.1 khz, 16 or 24 bit samples, with no meta data attached to them. I have a couple packages of samples on the Forum in the Drumkits section until the search “Roll Your Own.” Roll You Own kits
In all instances where there is difference between the midi map document and the labeling in the kit, it is safe to assume that the midi map document will be correct. Depending upon my work flow on any given day, If I have kit that is already set up for the kit I want to make, I copy the kit and then insert the notes. In so doing, I sometimes neglect to re-label the notes in the kit Particularly if I made samples contain the number of target location in the kit. Any, you know, I never look at anything in the BBM midi editor.
Hello Phil, lemme just say WOW! I just downloaded the STAX S&S drumset for Kashmir v4 and it sounds amazing. Super fun! Thanks for your hard work and I’m sure many many hours you put into this project!