Here it is as a BB Song.
Isedaby.sng (15.7 KB)
and as a slightly corrected midi file (you have to unzip this):
isedaby drums.mid.zip (541 Bytes)
I did the song up just using one of my kits that I was pretty sure had something mapped for each instrument location. I used my SUB-Standard Pro Plain kit. You can find that here:
Your song has drums mapped at:
C1 midi 36 (kick drum)
E1 midi 40 (alternate snare)
Eb2 midi 51 (ride cymbal 1)
G2 midi 55 (splash cymbal)
G#2 midi 56 (cowbell)
B2 midi 59 (ride cymbal 2)
B4 midi 83 (no general midi is assigned to this. it is mapped to castanet in my kit)
I did notice a couple issues with the midi file that you sent. First was the instrument mapped to 83. Actually, in most of my kits, nothing would be there. Of course, if you are building your own kit, you can put anything there that you like.
Next, the midi file did not start on measure 1, beat 1. I have corrected this.
Finally, the file was filled with midi commands that there were not note information. This may have been causing your problem. It had MSB and LSB commands, instrument commands, midi volumes, etc. - all kinds of stuff that the BB does not use. I generally scrub all this from my files. I donāt know how Cakewalk does it, but in Logic, I can display a midi list editor that show the list of midi being played in the file. The BB only wants note information, i.e., note number, note on, note velocity, and note off. That is all that is recognizes. Anything else is superfluous and depending upon the rest of the mid set up can cause confusion with other gear. In logic, I can have the midi list editor filter the midi commands by type. That lets me display everything except the note data, which I then delete. The midi file I have sent back to you has just the note data, and is corrected to start on measure 1 beat one. You may want to examine this in Cakewalk, and see if you can find the differences between it and the file you sent me.
I hope you are able to use your beat. Obviously, you can change the default drum kit and default tempo in BBM to suit your uses.