The “missing” editor for the BeatBuddy—finally available

M.R. Thanks!

  1. I don’t have a virtual machine yet, but many have asked for it so I’ll probably tackle that after the drum set editor
  2. No. I could possibly do that but all you would be doing is using the BeatBuddy as a sound machine which the editor is already doing. You couldn’t make a connection and send the song to the BB. That can only be done via the SD card
  3. Please email or DM me so I can help figure out what the specific problem is with the editor and your particular project.
  4. There is no delete folder yet—it is on my list
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Alex, you’re importing a song with the same effect file as the one you have in your project. The editor is giving you the option of saving the new effect file from the imported song over the one you already have in your library. It probably doesn’t matter which you choose because they are likely exactly the same.
I’ll update the editor to not only check the name but the actual file so I can just ignore the effect file if it is exactly the same.

One minor thing…when I export a song it doesn’t save the real name of the song. It ends up as something like “song/0000019” in the Name field in BBManager when I export from BBFFE.

Thanks for letting me know Jason. I have fixed that.

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Can bbff be controlled by midi or foot switch?

No, what would you want to do via MIDI?

Everything the beatbuddy can do. The next question is does bbff need to remain connected to the internet? Have you considered use in conjunction with a DAW. Dragging and dropping beats to a time line.

I think running the editor like the BeatBuddy is probably beyond the scope of the editor.
I’ve tried to build the editor so a DAW isn’t needed. Dragging and dropping between the editor and a DAW is probably also beyond the scope of what I’m looking to build.

we need something similar to edirol’s hyper canvas to be able to edit the midis

:tada: :drum: The Drumset editor is now available.

I’m sick in bed :face_with_thermometer: so I have been unable to do an introduction video, but still wanted to get this out for those of you who want to play with it over the weekend.
I’ll do a video next week.

Here’s an overview

  1. Create a new drumset.
  2. Sort all your drumsets alphabetically.
  3. Add a new instrument to a drumset. You can only add to MIDI slots not already used.
  4. Import instruments from other drumsets. You can import instruments from multiple drumsets at the same time. You can only import instruments from MIDI slots not alread used in your kit.
  5. Adjust overall drumset volume.
  6. Add samples to the currently selected instrument. You can also drag 'n drop sampls from your computer into a velocity group.
  7. Auto sort the samples into velocity groups based on the volume of each sample.
  8. Instrumnet settings. You can select multiple instruments and adjust their settings at the same time.
  9. Each sample. Click to play it. If it is selected, hit delete to delete it.
  10. Adjust the velocity level of the group (drag the slider in the velocity bar #12)
  11. Add a new velocity group. (Drag 'n drop samples into the new group, either from another group or from your hard drive)
  12. The velocity bar. Click and drag up and down on this bar to hear your samples playing across the velocity range.
  13. Drumset status information. If there are errors with your kit, they will appear here.

I’d love to hear your feedback and let me know what you’d like to see that isn’t there.


First of all, best wishes and hoping for a speed recovery, get well soon!

Now… woohoo!! Thanks for this, hopefully I’ll get to test this on the weekend and report back.
First question: when opening a drum set in the BBM editor, a new set of the wavs (or wave sources) is created in the user_lib. Will your editor do the same?
I’ve got mixed feelings with this. Although it is a pain to look everywhere inside wave_sources folder (because they get created all over the place, even inside other drumsets waves) and eventually deleting them to save space, it has also been a great source of waves or “instruments” to create new drumsets. I usually save them on an external drive and use them as needed. (Of course, with the ability to import directly from other sets in BBFF, this saving of waves I tend to do could become irrelevant, but just curious.)
Thanks for your work.


No wave files are stored anywhere. Everything is saved in the drum set file.
For brand new kits, the assumption is that you have WAV files you want to import somewhere else on your computer, those will be saved into the new kit.
For new composite kits, use the import feature to pull samples from other kits.

Double win. Easy drum set editing and saving hard drive space!

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I use my Google account to login to the BBFF. It would be nice to somehow have the BB project sync to Google drive to easily work on drum beats remotely.

There’s no reason you can’t store your project in your Google Drive.
Do you mean that BBFF Editor should be able to read the project out of your Google Drive from a different device?


Question about the drumset editor (enjoying playing with it so far). As I understand, there is no way to, while importing, assign an instrument to another slot, only after the fact. (Let’s say I want to import piano note that is in the original in slot 62 to slot 84 in the new drumset). Right? In fact there is no way of seeing instruments in the source drumset if their slot is already taken in the new drumset. If this is so, the drumset editor will require quite a bit of planning, maybe construct the drumset beginning with the instruments of same family that are fewer than other instruments and will need different slots (say strings), rearrange them in their new slots, and then continue with the rest (bass, drums, etc.). As is, I believe there will be a time when I will require the original BBM, since the instruments I need to import will be all around the place and not correspond to the new slots and I will be missing some of them to complete my desired drumset.

If I am not missing something and all of the above stands, I will ask you a future favor. Could you consider a way to import instruments to empty slots, but with the option of reassigning their original slots into the new, empty one? Is this even possible without taking extraordinary programming effort?
Something like this: “I have empty spot 108, I want this Piano C2 note there, but in the original drumset it is in slot 72, just import it into empty slot 108”.

In the meantime, I will say that I am enjoying the drumset creation in BBFF Editor. It is so easy and fast, that, having encountered this above issue, I just decided to delete the whole new drumset and begin anew, since importing 107 instruments took SECONDS! I will now first add the strings I need, reassign them to their final new slots, and THEN add the other 107 instruments. Great work!!
I know that what I am asking could be hard to do, maybe impossible, but you have awoken our imagination and dreams with your app, hehe. Sorry :smile:

Luis, you have found one of the major limitations of the drum set editor is that it does require a little planning.
This is the first draft and feedback like yours helps me know that it is a real pain point and not one I simply imagined.
I will think of solutions to these issues.
What I never want to happen is that you ever have a new instrument overwrite an existing instrument. So for this first version I was ultra cautious.
One thing I also want to add is bulk moving to new slots. When you select multiple instruments, some way to move them all as a group to a new MIDI range.

Thanks for the feedback.

Sir, you are reading my mind… :smile:
Thanks for your hard work.

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The editor seems to be hanging on exporting larger midi files. I was able to export a 2 bar midi, but it was non-responsive after I tried to export a larger midi. I tried to export the outro of this song, which is over 100 measures. I really only needed part of it, so I chopped it down to 22 measures and still was unable to get it to export. It never shows the folder to pick the export location.

I know this has worked recently. I tried restarting Chrome and then restarting my MacBook already.

CEST_LA_VIE.sng (30.6 KB)

@josborn777 I’ve sent you a PM to figure this out because I’m able to export the MIDI file.