What Church Songs Work with which BB setting?

Added more content to first page list of songs. Admins, do you think this could become a sticky based on amount of useful info in here and users that are viewing/using said info?


Thanks PD. This is really helpful.


[FONT=Arial][SIZE=6]Song “Lord of lords King of kings” with the Beatbuddy

[SIZE=4]I recorded this for a lady at church as I could not find a suitable recording anywhere.
Recorded in a single take “as is” with some reverb added during post. The Beatbuddy provided the drums and I also used one of the tracks from http://karlverkade.bandcamp.com/album… as a loop.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Nice video, thanks for sharing!
I’d definitely play something like that… with Gain on like 8-9 out of 10! :slight_smile:

Here are a couple proposed additions for the first page:

Awesome Is The Lord Most High- Country 6, standard

This Is Amazing Grace- Country 8, rock drum set

Here With Me- Blues 2, metal set

Build Your Kingdom Here also works well with Techno 4, rock.

Added. Thanks!


This is really fresh! Do you have chords for this? Could you paste them here or upload them? Blessings Allan!

A private PM may be better, we don’t want the forum filling up with chord charts or have copyright issues.

ok boss. lol! When you say private PM are you talking about the “Conversations” tab in the forum? Still learning the protocol. thanks.

Yes, in the old forum it was PM = Private Message.
Boss? well if you like, in the UK you sometimes get called that by total strangers - don’t understand why.

In the US it’s used to describe someone who is in charge. I felt like I was being scolded so I was being a little sarcastic. Thanks for all you do in the forum. I’m sure it’s a tall order.

Couple more for the list:

God of Glory- country 8, blues 2, brushes 1 or brushes 8.

Keep Making Me- funk 3/brushes

God You Reign- Pop 8 or Pop 10

You Are Good- Rock 4

Thank you for the submissions. I added them.

I also alphabetized the list! Whew. that took a while.


Hey Jonathan Psalm 40 and Pstrdenver…all your videos and help are awesome…thanks so much…i’m trying to find where you store all your worship beat buddy files to share…your link posted in the forum doesn’t work…can you repost link??

I am not sure what you mean, as we don’t share songs as such, where is this link? This thread is to document what Beatbuddy songs can be used with various “worship” songs. I stress the word can as it is just a suggestion - lots of songs can be used with different Beatbuddy songs.
I have only made one beat from scratch as I needed something which the BB didn’t have and that is in the user section.
On the whole I get by with what the BB offers, changing kits can make a beat sound totally different. As I sort of know what I am after when choosing a song I know where to look and then try and choose the best match out of those… The folders I most use are Blues, Funk, Pop and Techno.

sorry…just thought you guys shared your songs…i created my own sunday set list but can’t export it to the pedal…real frustrating this bb manager needs some major overhaul…cant drag n drop, can’t locate sd card from pedal thru manager…no instructions…etc…great product but very poor help, info, instructions…etc…

This is being actively worked on! :slight_smile:

Its very difficult to do an overhaul when they are still working on the Mac software, however a manual is currently being written but is in its early stages.
There is a tutorial post which is a sticky and my videos are there to help as well. If you have imported the project from the pedal then you make your changes and synchronize your project. You don’t need to worry about the SD card, when you import project from pedal it sets up a link for future synchronization. If it can find it it will ask you to locate the SD card.
I will leave it there, please look at the resources which will hopefully show you where you are going wrong.

sorry guys…forgive my whining…was just so frustrated last night…just another sunday without Ringo (beat buddy)…my wife likes to call her BEATrice…at home we practice with it and its great…just need to send a set list to the pedal which is still a no go…thanks for all ur help…glad that it is being actively worked on and we can get a decent manager for Mac soon…blessings and have a great week…