What do you want to see in a revised bbm? ... new features only

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the way midi song selection currently works is problematic. It relies on the older a song is in position of a song in a folder. The folders are sorted alphabetically and so are the songs. This means that if you add a new song to a folder or add a new folder then all of your midi signals for the songs have to be updated. I would like to see an option to manually set the signal (MSB/LSB) for each beat. Might even be possible to specify a name(name of the set) for msb, so for each beat/track we would select MSB(set or group) and LSB(song # in the set - starting at 0 of course). There could be an initial midi conversion that would record the current value based on folder and track within the folder(this would allow anyone who uses the current setup to keep their midi settings the same going forward)

I know this is a bit of a heavy request since it would require changes to the firmware to account for the midi signals, but it would save a lot of effort currently required to directly access a beat using midi.

My current work around is to put a number before each folder and beat, so that if I add a song or beat I can put a number in front of it to put it after all other beats. Same with folders.

Another request that I actually sent out a couple years ago by email:
On the interface. Currently when you select a song or a folder it lists all of the songs for that folder in the main work area. I would prefer(and I think it would be cleaner overall) if when a song is selected in the tree menu then only that song would show in the main area. Also if a folder is selected in the tree menu then the first song in that folder could be automatically selected. For the songs it’s not a big deal because I can directly select them in the tree menu, but for me it would be a bit more straight forward if only one song was in view at a time.

For the drum sets. . Pretty much the same problem. When a set is selected you currently list all the instruments, so there are potentially 128 instruments on the page. To find the instrument I want to edit I have to scroll down the page and check both columns to find the name or number of the instrument I want to edit. My preference would be to select the drumset from the tree menu on the left and then have a dropdown for the instruments or list the instruments in the tree menu on the left much like you list the songs. This way it is possible to select the instrument directly and you are only editing one instrument at a time.

Also I second all requests for an updated sequence editor. Currently implementation is not very user friendly.


Does anyone know if any of these requests have ever been looked at? These are some of the most useful suggestions that could be put forward and some of them have been asked for for years. Haven’t seen anything implemented yet. Some of it could be updated in a new version of BBM (which we’ll likely never see) but others could be added directly to the firmware in the pedal… but again, I haven’t seen any of it implemented. But I haven’t installed the latest firmware, so maybe I’m missing something.