Aeros firmware 2.13.2

Hi David,

Thanks for your help,

Good news for the USB/SD…

For the end of loop part change, yes I think it is not too difficult, because in 2x2 the “end of loop” is quite finished, the part blink when you selected it, you don’t have to do “play” to valid the part after selection like in 6x6 mode…but it is possible only if you do it in the last mesure/last 2 beats of the loop, very risky…

Why this difference between 2x2 and 6x6 mode???

I think the simplest way for both modes is:

If i select a part (anytime/anywhere in the active loop), the new part will be valided…
If is valided the new part will blink…
If the new part is blinking it will wait the end of the active loop to change part…

I hope this will coming very very soon…

Best regards…

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@mdb In 2x2 there are only 2 song parts, so there is no wrong song part to go to. The reason 6x6 is a two step process because there are multiple parts, so the time it takes to scroll through to the correct song part before the end of the measure might be too long, and you accidentally go to the wrong song part. But with an end of loop setting, automatic song part change should work as long as your loop is long enough.

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I undertand, in my experience I never do a part less than 4 bars (8 bars are more confortable), even if it’s very repetitive, rightly to get the time for scrolling in any situation…

To do X bars loop puch-in/punch-out is very usefull… if you want to redo a piece of the loop again, not always the entire loop, and stay in a X bars you decide… choice (somewhere) between overdub and punch I/O will be great…

May be with a Midi Pedalboard you will able to join any parts direcly without scrolling? but even in this case “end of loop” is imperative because you can’t watch or manage your pedalboard, your Aeros, and your BB in the same time…

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Does this version not have freeform/freedom mode yet? I thought 2.12.2 had it but does this one not have it? I’m confused why it would be left out.

@esptone This does have freeform mode - however it’s truly freeform - it doesn’t have synced tracks (where each track is kept as a strict multiple of the previous track) so this version is only really effective for soundscape looping. We should have the synced tracks feature in the next release

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Thanks, I just don’t see how to access it. Where is the freeform setting?

Good question!

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think you just turn quantise to measure off

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New firmware available: Aeros firmware 2.15.x