Aeros MIDI Commands

Can your midi controller send two commands on one button press?

CC113 101-106 do this with one command on the Aeros, this range of commands is ignored by BeatBuddy as of BB Beta 3.9.x.

These are not mapped commands, are you saying the Aeros is responding to CC38 and CC39 when the value is set to 127?

Let me know thanks!

yes but I am not sure how my creator of my diy controller did it, he figured out how to do that for the rc505 which is why I am contemplating going back to that even though it is bigger and heavier he was able to do like 5 instructions not instant but very very fast sequence

sorry i think the 38 is a 0 from memory but they function the same

is it possible to have one midi command to issue a series of commands? like turn off two tracks and play one track and keep one track already playing playing? i am just making it up here but that could be really useful when live looping, like turn off two tracks and turn on three tracks in one click and leave one track already on on?

oh really life saver! thanks will change today! and busk with tonight

going to put on first bank of midi controller change to three different parts and mute 1 and mute 2 so then I can change to any part and then mute the locked 1 and 2 tracks to get a completely different sound for the chorus and bridge thanks

how to cancel completion of part? is it possible? 113 0?

Not likely we would go this route as it is not very easy to set this up and can become very confusing very quickly. What you need is a MIDI controller that can send various messages on one press/release action.

There is not currently a cancel part transition MIDI command, no

I recommend Morningstar MC6 or MC8 :smiley: It has so many functions and can do like 16 messages per switch.

I just ordered one yesterday to use with aeros looper and my other devices. I sure hope aeros gets some more midi implementation soon for like record, play, stop and stuff :smiley:


it seems like you canā€™t cancel the completion of a part on the device either, though I have to check that, but back to the programming my midi controller can send a series of commands and assign then to 5 buttons soā€¦ just found that out it is diy arduino

i just found out that with arduino I can program probably up to 10 midi commands in one click and assign them to a max 5 buttons, should be enough, pretty excited

You can always cancel an upcoming part on the Aeros.

sometimes especially all stop you canā€™t, i canā€™t remember the situation when I canā€™t cancel though, but yes I know about cancelling a part on the machine as opposed to the midi controller, managed to get packaged groups on 5 clicks which is pretty cool, best part is they are reversible on double clicking it ie go to second part undo track one and two and mute 5 and reverse clicking it again except it doesnā€™t move to part two coz it is already at 2

Yes, Stop All is not a cancellable event.

why not?

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Hereā€™s a related bug report, feel free to add anything you think is missing there, thanks!

Hi! I might have missed this, but is there a midi command for locking/unlocking a selected track? If not that would be a big help to add if possible.


Nope not yet. New midi implementation is supposed to happen after they add more recording time which theyā€™re supposedly working on now. So not next update but the one after that, so probably not until may for midi stuff :frowning:

My wishlist

  • a command to complete the Record New Track (CC41) but without recording next track.

  • a command to re-record an undone track with EOM or EOL possibilities ā€¦ just like the Aeros does.

  • Undo, Redo and Overdub commands with EOM and EOL possibilities

  • And the possibility to lock a track even if the tracks before are not locked

Thanks ; )


Any idea of when we can expect updated midi functionality?
Keep up the good work!


David said theyā€™re working on extending recording time for the next firmware and then midi implementation firmware after thatā€¦ I donā€™t expect to see it until at least May/June :frowning:
Iā€™m waiting on it as well so I can use my MC8 midi controller with it. Also still waiting on reverse / speed options but I fear that is going to be very far away stillā€¦

Would like to be able to control the mixer volumes via a control surface like Novation Launch Control faders. That way I could manually turn down multiple tracks. Looperboard has this capability. Like this

Auto-fading tracks would also be fantastic.