BeatBuddy Manager -- Mac Beta

Also find it interesting that a new member shows up and decides he has some mission to defend the company.

Frankly, I wouldn’t have posted anything at all if you hadn’t posted.

Me, too, I wouldn’t have posted things that prompted you to respond Mikehind if you hadn’t posted. MMMMMM, you got us Mike! That being said I respectfully would like a response to my post asking David when the MAC version will be available. Mikehind, feel free to post something, I won’t respond or mention you again.

David, I know I would have waited to purchase my machine until the Mac version was up and running, my bad. I didn’t investigate enough and impulse bought the machine. I’m sure prospective buyers who may not be fully aware of the Mac software unavailability would think twice. I’d really appreciate a response on when you expect to have it up and running.

Last update on the facebook page was February, so if that is all you wanted then can we continue this March 1st?

I’ve held back commenting, figuring that a January release of a Mac version of the software was coming. Okay, it’s January 30 and I don’t hear any rumblings so here goes. If the machine wasn’t so spectacularly amazing, I’d just send it back and ask for a refund. This is worse. The device is so good that I would really love to use it. Not having the programming for Mac and taking my money without notifying me of this beforehand is essentially fraud. It would have been very simple to state that the Mac programming wasn’t ready and anyone who buys the Beat Buddy needs to realize that before hitting “BUY” on the screen. The Mac Beta is very difficult to understand for Mac users. I have not been able to get it to work. Without appropriate software, this beautiful device is very, very dumb and people such as myself who bought this want the excellence it promises. Until there is software you will experience a lot of negativity because people like myself feel ripped off. There is a need to light a fire under this situation. It’s not a good idea to start off a relationship with untruth.

This goes back a really long time. I paid for mine a year ago. Photos of the software on a Mac were included as part of the Indigogo campaign. No mention that it didn’t exist. The entire life of this pedal needs to be considered here. I simply can’t understand why the software for both Mac and Windows are in their current state well over a year into this project. I really can’t.

That being said, I do encourage Mac users to try the Beta.

This makes no sense. It’s still January.

Ahh I think I know what you mean, sorry about not being clear - below is a screenshot of the message from Facebook.[ATTACH=full]642[/ATTACH]

Interesting. I don’t believe David posted that here. The extremely low level of participation by Singular Sound on this forum is unfortunate. Maybe they figure they have us already and their time is better suited to marketing elsewhere.


My macbook is not showing my BB in Finder. I’m trying to import-from-pedal to give this a go, but I’ve hit this road bloc. I’ve tried several different cables and each of my USB port with the same result. Any thoughts?

No worries - figured it out. I just pulled the card and put it straight in the mac’s SD slot. Feeling pretty silly.

Brother man is there anyway you can redo your video on a Mac,you don’t have to say anything just show your mouse moves in Quick Time movie Help!

I don’t have a Mac someone with a Mac that understands this would be better at doing something like this. The processes should be almost identical however Daefecator has added some more features to the Mac version. If his windows version is similar I could try it on that, but which one in particular would you like me to “redo”.?


So… because I only joined recently, it’s suspicious that I’m on “some mission to defend the company”? That looks VERY suspiciously like an ad hominem.
I find it interesting that you’d resort to that sort of argument instead of, you know, discussion. I think it speaks a lot to where you’re coming from, as does your admission to past tirades. Throwing a tantrum has VERY obviously not worked. Yet you continue to stamp around posting puerile , self righteous demands that someone else do what you say.
The reason I have “some mission to defend the company” - which I don’t… you’re just trying to defame to support your weak position that you are somehow justified to whine that you’re not getting your way - is that I like this product. I know it’s going to be a BIG help in my show and will make - and save - me a LOT of money. So I support the company. Sure, I’m disappointed it doesn’t work as well as I had hoped, straight off the bat. Sure, I wish I could plug it in to my Mac and be able to do what I want, right away.
But does that disappointment give me the right to tell someone else how to run their business? Nah. You know why? The last two words.
Oh, and “Frankly, I wouldn’t have posted anything at all if you hadn’t posted.” speaks VOLUMES. I love how it’s ok for YOU to respond to someone, but not for me. Says a whole lot about you.

I remember the time when DavidE just joined.
His “mission” was not even suspicious as it was far too obvious.

Still I should admit that without strong opposition rainbow pukes and farts will become stale and tasteless pretty soon.

I have no problem with opposition… just… it’s gotta be realistic opposition, not “I made some stuff up and am now using that as a basis to be butthurt 'cuz I’m not getting my way”, y’know?

That’s the ticket. Hopefully in the full release. I’m actually more comfortable just attaching the SD Card

My “mission” has only been to get what I paid for a year ago. I was initially very supportive, but my support waned with continued delays and broken promises. Remember, when the hardware was delayed we were promised the software prior to the hardware so we could work with it and learn to use it before the pedal arrived. Mike is new, but most of us know what went on over the last year. Many of us had pedals sitting in boxes waiting.

Has the complaining by myself and others done any good? I would argue that yes, it has. I honestly don’t think we’d have Daef’s beta without it. I do hope they actually deliver a user friendly manager program for both windows and Mac in February. I want the company to succeed, but that means delivering. Thanks to Daef, I can wait until February.

[SIZE=5]Create any song or drum set with the included BeatBuddy Manager software.
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I don’t know what you think anybody made up. But I’m guessing you’re wrong.