BeatBuddy Wireless MIDI Controller - Premium MIDI Layout for MIDI Designer Pro (IOS)

I don’t use BeatBuddy, but I use Midi Designer Pro on iPad. I’ve started a layout for Aeros, just waiting for more midi commands to be implemented. Glad to see another MDP user here. Cheers!

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And it does (or is planned to do) what, exactly? Apart from look pretty :slight_smile:

See description below pretty pictures. It’s an iOS-based midi controller for BeatBuddy. :slight_smile:

Nice! I’ll follow this :slight_smile: Is it working yet…I have MIDI Designer Pro…

Very nice. Have you considered adding a song name field?

I think I have found a BeatBuddy bug while doing my final tests:

BeatBuddy seems to be sending the CC102 (sent after a part change) exclusively over the MIDI channel 1 (B0), no matter what Output channel is selected on Settings/Main pedal/MIDI settings/MIDI-OUT/Channel/

I can see the notes being sent on any selected channel, but the BB keeps sending CC102 on channel 1.

Can anyone confirm this, so it can be reported as a bug?

Well, forget it. Now I can see this is an old bug, reported at least since 2018 and still broken on the current Firmware 3.8.0:

So we are stuck on MIDI Channel 1 despite all my efforts to get a 16-channels bomb proof MIDI layout, and it’s all due to this horrid bug.


Yes, this is a very irritating issue! To get around this problem, I need to put a computer in the MIDI loop to look for that CC102 message (on channel 1) and then send it out again on the proper midi channel (channel 4 for my and the Ditto X4)


For some reason I had not seen this bug, making sure we have it in the bug tracker and address it.

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hmmm, I’ve been using Unrealbook (chart reader on iPad) to send commands to BB - I have used several different channels (according to the one I am using on BB - mostly 15 or 16 iirc) in sending data - not sure if I’ve used 102, but I use volume control, drumset change, tempo change and song change, among others…hahaha just checked, and 102 does not even appear in the MIDI commands used by BB on my data sheet .

What does 102 actually do?

It’s in the midi commands document on the Singular BB downloads. It’s listed as Next Part CC102. It gets sent by the BB after a transition. I believe this is what @JoeInOttawa uses for his lights command. It’s shown in the midi document as an Enable/Disable choice.

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Yep, CC102 is one of the commands my lighting system responds to.

What about CC110? (Triggers an accent hit). It is documented as if it were velocity sensitive [0-127] where 100 is the original recorded volume.

However, only the values 0 (mute) and 127 (maxed) seems to work. Any intermediate value sounds the same than max.

This renders my accent hit volume slider looks like wasted space. It was intended to determine the velocity sent by the accent hit button. And it works as intended, it just again the BB acting unexpectedly.

Thanks Phil - I’ll need to update my docs - the lists I have a pretty old…versions? I have two and 102 isn’t on either. I’ll search the downloads.

One thing I have noticed in the settings, is that turning 102 to enable is only available in the MIDI Out section, not the MIDI in section?? Seems it would need to be enabled for MIDI in…unless my firmware is also out of date??

EDIT: After checking the doc that Persist kindly gave the link to. Looks like this is the only way it works. It SENDS a part change??? Why would you need to send it, shouldn’t the BB receive it?

thanks, that one I do not have :slight_smile:

I think the idea was that the 102 was an unused CC, so that having it sent upon part change allowed the user to create some kind of special effect, like Joe’s lights. The downside was that if some other midi device on the same channel actually used CC 102, you could have an undesired result. Thus, the ability to Enable or Disable the send.

Ahh, ok - yeah that makes sense in that usage method. Thanks

It will also receive next part commands of some sort, because you can switch parts via MIDI from the Aeros. A quick check of the MIDI manual tells me if you send a transition (CC113) with a value of 127, it goes to the next part.

If you haven’t seen it, that manual is online, here: Support.

Thanks - yeah that was one of the docs I already had :slight_smile: - I was really only sussing it out for the OP as I am already using my BB with channels other than 1 with great success - I was curious about the CC 102 he mentioned which sorta got me started on researching it a bit more.

I use an extension BB footswitch so previously had no need for selecting parts via MIDI, but I can see now there would be advantages to be able to implement it fully with no bugs!