CC commands in midifile

The PDF on Singular Sounds’ download page has more detail.

I personally never experimented or even research to see if it is even possible to add / embed CC commands into a midi file.
Sounds like an interesting idea. Hope it is possible. I’m going to start poking around the internet. If I find something that is helpful, I will pass it along.

Thank you i hope you will find something!

place a CC in a MIDI-File is what MIDI-Files are for. :slight_smile:
Problem with BB is, that there is a filter (in BB or BBManager). I tried to put a ProgramChange-Event into a BB-Song, but it doesn’t work.

Yes, @AxelSchweiss explains the issue well. A midi file WITHIN a BB song will not transmit midi program changes messages. BB either filters them, or just does not enable their transmission. However, if you use the BB as a midi drum module, and you have an external sequencer or DAW sending the midi, then midi PC and CC events can pass along the midi stream on channels not used by the BB.

that’s a pity but that would be a good thing if that’s possible

yes bad news. Hopefully thats something the BBmanager people can look into implementing in future updates.
If so it could open up a lot of creative possibilities.

maybe we should sent this thred to the support.
For me its very important because often i have to switch footpedals at the same time. So i have the roblem to make a fill and the starting of the looper at the same time. For this case i could start the looper with midi cc and it would be always starting at the same point
independently which tempo i use!

i sent an email to to inform this thread

I’ve sent CC changes to the BeatBuddy with success, but for some reason when I try to do the same with the Pigtronix Infinity looper weird stuff happens when I do midi merge on the BB. The Infinity varispeed does very odd things or maybe the sample rate is changed from 24 kHz to 48 kHz. Not sure why.

I don’t have a midi through box to send the commands on a different channel to the looper to test it all but I can do some things from my DAW on the looper. Since I have no real midi experience, I put my testing on the back burner for now.

Funny thing is that I could get my DAW to control my amp modeler to change patches and do fills and transitions on the BB but the looper just acts funny. I figure if all I have to do is hit the open and close buttons on the looper I’m doing good!

But I +1 on being able to send CC and PrgmChanges out of the BB. That would be very helpful.

Good luck!

I’m not convinced that the Beatbuddy should be sending CC messages.

its a drum machine not a sequencer. I’d not use a BB to control other devices, and the BB should not be sending CC messages to itself.

I’m pretty sure using CC messages in a device that repeats sections, ad lib, will create more problems than it solves.

I believe what 897 is talking about is embedding CC commands inside a midi file.

I do like this idea, and I showed it to David. We aren’t 100% sure how fast something like this could be implemented, so this type of feature wouldn’t be happening in the near future considering we are still way behind schedule with the software. We have taken notice though to this discussion, and we may possibly implement this at a later date in the future. :slight_smile:

That sounds great. Understandable - You guys must be very busy.

Thats great!!!

Being able to send commands out to multiple channels would be helpful.

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I was hoping the BB would act as a master so I could hook up a source audio programmeable eq stompbox, and then embed the midi PC or CC commands to switch eq presets for different song parts in my OPB songs. TBH I assumed it would have that capability. It’s a real missed opportunity AFAIC :frowning:

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Hi, Like @AxelSchweiss I really deplore BB songs (Midifile), when playing with BB ignore any CC or PC commands that could have beenn implements into them. This function is really missing in the BB Master mode. It’s a real pity and I think it would be a great value to let those CC and PC midi commands out from the BB midi stream. It will offer a lightest configuration in live situation with no need to use of a sequencer or other application/gear. Only driven by the song, BB master mode could slave externals devices to trig effects at choosen points of the song. Adding those commands in a midifile can easily be done upstream when preparing a full song using any sequencer like Cubase,…, @Phil_Flood Can you please transmit our request to the BB Firmware developpment team ?
See also my post Midi Control Change (CC) doesn't stream out when using BB as Midi Master

I don’t anybody at Singular anymore than you do. Just send a message to @BeatBuddy_Support, I suppose.

Hi, Like @AxelSchweiss and many other users, I regret BB filters CC or PC commands that could have been implements into songs (Midifile). It would be a great value to let (or depending on user setting MIDI out parameters) those CC and PC midi commands out from the BB midi stream. It will offer a lightest chain in live situation with no need of using a sequencer or other application/gear. Only driven by the song, using BB master mode could slave externals devices such as guitar or voice pedalboard to trig effects at user choosen points of the song. Adding those commands in a midifile can easily be done upstream by users when preparing a full song using a midi sequencer like Cubase,…, What about adding this improuvment in a next BB Firmware ?
See also my post Midi Control Change (CC) doesn’t stream out when using BB as Midi Master

Allright, Thank you for the Support link.