Click/Noise artifact at loop boundary

I’m experiencing an occasional click or noise artifact at the loop boundary. The source is guitar (not ambient) basic rhythmic chord playing. I don’t experience this is on my other loopers (Boss RC600 and Boomerang III) Does the Aeros have a loop boundary crossfade algorithm? Or is this a know issue that is on the roadmap to be fixed? Or better yet, is it possible I’m missing a setting? ( I loop in Auto with no metronome ) sync tracks is set to Start&Length

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Yes there is some crossfade. Aeros saves a few extra ms of audio for it after you press stop.

It’s gotten better than it was, but it’s not perfect.

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Thanks for the reply. It’s good good to hear that it’s better but a shame that it’s still an intermittent issue. It seems like such a fundamental thing and I’m surprised it hasn’t been fully worked out yet.

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In my case, I experience this very occasionally, and the click comes through only when transitioning from record to playback, on subsequent loops, there’s no click. Does that match your experience?

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For me it stays on subsequent loops. It seems to occur randomly but more when I’m a bit sloppy with letting the last note ring out too long when I’m recording the loop. But still some kind of crossfade algorithm should cover that up as other loopers do. Boomerang III and Boss RC-600 don’t have this issue. I’m hoping for a fix on the Aeros because I love the 6X6 format.

Interesting. I’ve never had that particular problem, but I did have that problem with the Boomerang III (and other problems when syncing with MIDI clock, which is why I switched to the Aeros).

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Hey there,

Here is the latest news:

We hope to have the beta with the fixes (5.2.x) out very soon, it is currently in closed testing!

Thanks for reporting

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We hope to have fixed this in 5.2.0! Please let us know on the thread, thanks for your patience!

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A post was split to a new topic: Corner Case audio issue in 5.2.0