Click or pop noise

I get a nasty click at the start of my loops occasionally. This seems to happen more often in “auto” mode for the tempo. Is there any way we could have more control over the cross fades? I also find the hiss of the unit in general to be fairly loud (considerably louder than my blooper). Is there any way the noise floor can come down?

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I agree this is the WORSE problem with the Aeros…I mean all it would take is the ablity to adjust crossfades and it would go away…Ive been asking for this update for a while now


I have the same issue… Aeros is first in the fx chain, MIDI IN is connected. Anyone found a solution?


this is awesome news! my I ask how you remedy this issue? super curious :slight_smile:

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Fixed in beta 5.2.0, hopefully!

Various improvements and fixing the crossfade logic to always work like it once did, it seemed to be working temperamentally

In fact I believe there are less pops on this version than even in 4.x.x

Thanks for your patience!

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