Intro not operating correctly

I have been using BB for a few years. In the start just for practice playing guitar but now I am using it for live gigs for our band when our drummer is not available.

I was using the BB app but recently moved to the Web based system on my Windows 11 PC. I export standard songs then import them back with a specific song name so I can tweak the song to our needs.

I have a song I have been using for some time but it wasn’t part of a play list, so I included into my standard set list. Synced the SIM but found the intro section was not correct. Just a single hit then silence before the main part started.

Tried playing the same song directly rather than through the set list. Same thing. Song played fine on the PC. Deleted the data on the SIM and exported again. Same issue.

Deleted the intro, exported the Rock 1 intro ready to import. Site became unresponsive. Restarted the site and tried to import the section but it was an empty file. Tried exporting again. Lock up again. Gave up with the site and reverted to the app. Deleted the SIM, opened the project and exported. Worked fine but song introduction still not working.

Completely deleted the song and recreated it using Rock 1 as the basis. All good. Synced SIM. Song introduction still not correct. Played again and suddenly it is fine. Tried another song. Intro not right. Played again and all good. Happening with most songs but not all.

Seems like once it has played once you can keep repeating it ok, but move to another song and Russian roulette.

Seems to be a few flakey things happening and I can’t afford to be spending all this time on a peddle when I should be rehearsing for a gig. Help!

Would you mind exporting the song and uploading it to the forum so that it can be tested? You might have to zip it before posting.

Bad Moon Rising (2).zip (1.5 MB)
Bad moon (1.5 MB)

The first one is what I believe to be the original. It was working fine until I added it to a set list, but timelines are always difficult to determine when looking back for fault finding. The (2) version is the new one I created. Happy hunting. P.S. I used to be a control systems engineer designing and implementing control systems for power stations, so I have a good understanding of how tricky tracking a bug can be.

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Thanks for uploading the song files. I think that your Intro MIDI file got corrupted somehow. How could I tell? Using the BBMO, I tried to export the Intro MIDI file (although my browser exported the file, it then froze—had to quit and re-launch it); I then tried to open the exported MIDI Intro file in my DAW however, it would not open—two indicators that the Intro MIDI file was damaged.

Here’s what I did to get you back in the ballpark with the Intro:

  • I searched my midi_sources folder for the Rock- fill 32 full kit 16ths.mid file and replaced the corrupt Intro MIDI file.
  • The Intro played fine on my pedal.
  • Caveat: you may have to edit the Intro if you had previously changed it.
  • I’ve zipped the Rock- fill 32 full kit 16ths.mid file along with both adjusted versions you sent.
  • If you have not downloaded the MIDI Loop Library, now’s a good time to do so; you can find it here: midi_sources folder

Bad Moon Rising (2.9 MB)

Something I would suggest that might streamline your workflow:

  • no need to export the default song and then import it, instead,
  • use the BBMO to Duplicate the song and then Move it to your gig or work folder where you can make the changes you want
    Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 2.22.23 PM

Interesting, I have exactly the same issue, For me it happens on certain intros, frustratingly some that I use regularly such as the default “Rock 1” and the default “Pop 1” It all sounds fine on the BBM online emulator, tyhen I save it to the SD card, play it, and the intro just gives me a single hit, then nothing until the pattern starts. It’s also the same on any songs I’ve made where I’ve used the same intros. I’m concerned about reloading all the default content, because I will still need to recreate all the songs I’ve already built. (I don’t use OPB as I like the flexibility of moving between patterns and fills)

I had this exact same issue. I am using the BBM online and wanted to make some changes to Rock 1. I made a copy of the song first and then edited the copied version to my liking. Everything worked fine online but when I synced to my SD card, it would not play back correctly on my pedal. The intro was a single hit and then silence until the main part of the song started. I also noticed one of the fills was silence as well. I then went back onto BBM online and deleted my new version but then the original Rock 1 would not work correctly. It was very frustrating because like you, I did not want to have to re-download the default library and lose all of my personal content. Instead, I went to the “downloads” support link on Singular Sound website and downloaded the “Rock” folder located under “genre backups”. I saved the Rock folder on my desktop, went to BBM online, opened my existing project and then clicked on “Import Song”. Click on the Rock Folder (PBF file) and it should upload all of the rock content. I moved “Rock 1” to the original Rock folder and deleted that song that was giving me issues. I then deleted the rest of the Rock folder that was uploaded. Save your project and then sync to your SD card. This was able to fix my corrupted Rock 1 song back to the original. HOWEVER, hopefully someone from Singular Sound will read this because there is still an ongoing issue with Rock 1. The song does not like to be edited. I tried uploading an additional copy of Rock 1 using the steps above and just simply editing that version to my liking and when I sync to my SD card it corrupts the file again and won’t play correctly on the pedal. I gave up trying to edit Rock 1. There is some sort of bug that occurs every time I try to save it.

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Thanks for reaching out! I’ve forwarded the issue to our dev team. Any updates will be posted here.

Any update on this issue? Tonight I ran into a problem with the default Funk Folder. I edited some of fill timings for songs 1-4. Everything worked on BBMO. I synced to my SD card and now certain parts are not playing for songs 1-4. I deleted the songs on BBMO and uploaded the Funk genre from the support page. This was how I could fix my issue with Rock 1 to get the default song back, however, I am having no success with Funk songs 1-4. I’ve tried deleting the funk folder on BBMO and uploaded the funk genre pbf file. I’ve tried just adding the individual songs. Nothing is working

SS can confirm but my guess for this is that the original Rock 1 and Funk songs contain some midi feature that is in conflict with the current BBMO export functionality :thinking:

But the latest Rock 1 found in the support page doesn’t have it anymore so after switching to that the issue is gone :smiling_face:

However, the Funk songs still have the midi feature also in the support page so no matter how many times downloaded it won’t work before the specific midi feature is removed :face_with_peeking_eye:

Or, it could be multiple different midi features and some bug has been fixed but not the other :sweat_smile:

Or if we’re lucky then the Funk issue is not in midi but in the pbf in which case exporting the midi file and then importing the same midi into new pbf should fix it :thinking::blush:

Thanks for a reply. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I tried uploading the midi files for the fills/intros that got messed up. Basically I select the song on BBMO, click on the fill/intro that is having an issue, delete that track, add a new track and then select upload midi file. I am using the latest midi files found on the support page. When I upload them, it puts the drum part in the middle of a 3 measure track. I tried copying and pasting onto a new track but it cuts stuff off. Very frustrating. I scratched this idea and opened a new project using the BeatBuddy default content folder found on the support page. I tried exporting just the individual songs and importing them into my project but that didn’t work either.

Okay I was able to fix the Funk songs. I had to open the BeatBuddy Default Content project on BBMO. I saved the midi files I needed for each song. Closed this project and opened my personal project. I added a new fill and then selected upload midi file. It defaults each midi file as 2 measures so I still had to “trim” it to one measure. I saved my project and then synced to my SD card. All of the songs are working correctly. I made 4 backups in case this happens again :joy:. Still don’t know why I can’t just upload the midi files from the support page so if you have any insight on that I would appreciate it. It drops the midi part in the middle of 2-3 measures. Thanks!