Listing of Beats for collaboration

This is a really good suggestion. I would like to be able to see the pattern length myself.

Thank you! We need to do this with the list of drum sets as well.

I disagree regarding helpfulness and copyright issue. Unless these beats were “lifted” from any particular song how is naming a beat and a possible fit to an existing song ever going to violate a copyright? Fair use is allowed under current law.

What is fair use? Fair use is the right to copy a portion of a copyrighted work without permission because your use is for a limited purpose, such as for educational use in a classroom or to comment upon, criticize, or parody the work being sampled.

The key word here is “copy” and if a beat can be used in many songs, then the theory would say that all of those songs are violating each others copyright too. This forum constitutes a modern day classroom; teaching non-drummers how to use the Beat Buddy to simulate a live drummer (one who never speeds up or slows down!)

The list would help in that it gives someone who is not a drummer like me a sample guide that will help educate me in how to choose beats that may fit a particular song and also how to use fills and transitions. I probably wont know very many of the songs either, but finding a single song I know that someone has successfully figured out how to use the BB with is better than a generic tutorial. “Push this” and “step on that” doesn’t really help me very much unless I can apply it to a song I am familiar with.

I am looking forward to seeing what people have “mashed up” with the Beat Buddy and am certain that I am not alone.

Once the software arrives it will be easier.

I don’t think “Fair Use” gives Singular Sound the right to copy a specific drum beat and then sell it with their product.

The drum patterns on the BB are great in that with a little creativity, you can play all sorts of songs with any number of the drum patterns. There is no hard and fast rule that says in order to play “insert song title here” you have to do it with any one particular beat. Some fit better than others, but it’s really a matter of time signature and tempo, and with the BB you have lots of choices to experiment with. If you want the exact backing track to a particular song, you’re better off just playing the wav file on a computer.

I don’t think anyone is looking for the “exact backing track to a particular song” - but more of an informed guide that this beat could go with this song, that song etc. With the some of the beats/bpm combinations it’s not always recognizable that “oh, if I slowed this down/sped this up, it would fit xxxx song”.

But despite Beat Buddy’s lack of participation, some of the other Beat Buddy Customers have been gracious enough to share some of their experiences with those Beat Buddy Customers that appreciate the extra guidance… Customers helping Customers…


I’m sure all of you know, (but just in case) we can make backing tracks for any song and post the midi files here to download to the BB. As long as you’re not selling it it’s cool.

awesome!–I’m big on presets!!–

Thanks so much for locating this info!
I was having a hard time trying to locate anything in 6/8 or 12/8 to play some slow blues tunes or “Sleep Walk.”
You’ve made it much easier to find what I need from this wonderful machine!
Much thanks, again!

I just want to say this is an awsome machine. As i was sampling the multitude of song beats, I was actually looking for a simple rim/snare kind of beat, without a kick. ( eg. springstein “im on fire”. i cant seem to locate this beat. Am i missing something, or is this not yet obtainable? any help?

Very cool; Thank you so much for doing this. I have immediately saved a copy and printed it out. PS If you copy and past it in Word, use 3columns and a 10 font to get it neatly on two pages :smiley:

I must be missing something :slight_smile: where is the list?

It’s in the first post of this thread up there.

My advice would be to download “Beat Builder” and create your own. It wouldn’t be that hard. If you already have it downloaded, just go into a blank page and highlight a position with the mouse arrow and then press the space bar key to insert the note in the snare row. That’s all there is to it. Then you set up a pattern and play it back as you go. Save it and then pull it up in Beat Builder Manager and insert it as a “Main Beat” in one of the song areas and then play it. You may have to import it as a song in order to play it in BB Manager, but you may as well learn how to do it now, because you will use it extensively as you get more and more into creating songs for the Beat Buddy. I can build one for you if you wish but you will still have to “Import” it into BB Manager. If I get a chance, I will do this very quick for you as soon as I can get there and will post it here. Here it is.
Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

Here is one for you right now that I just made in Beat Builder.
Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

You can also get this right off the original SD Card that came with the Beat Buddy. It’s in there.
Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

I know this is an old thread, but was wondering if there is an updated version of the list a Default Beatbuddy Beats. I believe my default content is missing some info, mixed with added content, so was trying to find a master list for Deafault Beats 2.1. I have a Ballad folder which is not in the original list, so trying to figure out what I am missing. Some said you can view it directly on the backup of Default content folder, but as far as I can see that just has folder codes that don’t actually list the beat names, unless you import the whole thing, which I cant do without messing up my user content too. Any help would be appreciated.

Would something like this help: Program to allow Printing of Songs

Version 5 is the latest.

It looks like all the DropBox links are dead, or at least my system is giving me an error to all versions

v5 here ASW_BB_BeatsRecap_V5

Thanks so much - you are always so helpful…

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