Loop trail mode

Depends, can you explain what “fade to mute” would do exactly? And can it be done singly with each track or mix and match as in if we wanted to fade track 1, 3, 6 but not the others etc?

It’s not a real thing just yet so this is not yet detailed, but from what David’s said to me, he’d like it to be based on a mute setting where if enabled and the mute is going to wait for a sync point (and is not immediate) the track would fade out to digital black and then the track would then mute.

As far as how this would be done, I’m not yet fully sure, but in essence since mute commands can be sent to individual tracks it should be doable in the way you are describing, yes.

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I like that idea, Brennan. Any chance that fade-ins may be a possibility, too? If you’re doing soundscapes with overdubs, they sound abrupt when you first hit play, so you’d first have to go into the mixer, turn everything down, and then gradually bring in.


It would probably be something worth considering, this is likely a nice additional feature that will come later, you can bring it up again or make a request to follow this feature :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks, Brennan. Has someone already brought it up or should I put in a request?

No one has specified Mute Fade in/out in a request yet, so you are free to make one!

Also checked, and fade in is part of the feature request in our repo, thanks again for the commitment :slight_smile:

another massive plus one for this request, this should have been the highest priority!


Huge +1 please.

Bought the Aeros a while ago - ecstatic to finally find a looper that did want I wanted with song parts (and more), but only just got around to using it now - very surprised and disappointed to find I can’t fade a loop out. I have always used fade out with my loopers. Not really sure how to end songs now - I’m going to have to dig around Youtube to see how folk are ending their songs with the Aeros - please feel free to point me in the right direction, thanks!

I wouldn’t hold my breath for the fade function anytime soon seeing that people been asking for this 1 1/2 years since aeros came out (among many other things) and it’s still not implemented… however best thing to do is just use the aeros mixer and scroll wheel to fade out for now.

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Thanks for this. Apologies for the delay getting back - I’ve tried using the scroll wheel a few times - it’s not an easy thing to do with your foot when standing! Especially as I’d usually be using other pedals at that time. A rocker pedal would be much easier… maybe I’ll put a volume pedal after it… Although that really isn’t ideal.

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@JimmyMirror I agree on difficulty using the scroll wheel. It’s hard to justify buying a volume pedal when there’s an unusable expression pedal jack that may be implemented (???) at some point in which case I would have a pedal to control the fade. (Auto fade would be nice also)


Well - looks like it’s all moot. Pigtronix just released the Infinity 3 - which seems to do all I need. The fade being key. I’ll miss the great scope of the Aeros - never clicked on 6x6 mode, would love to get into that - but without a fade I’d be stuck there forever. No way out. Huge shame.


So before I lose my mind, and have to dig through a bunch of requests, fade is not an option? I just got the beat buddy and the Aeros and the midi pedal, super frustrating that it has no fade, there needs to be a fade options for a few things, pleas correct me if any of this already exists

  1. Fade out option per track on pause / stop
  2. Fade out option for stop all.
  3. Fade should send a signal to also fade the beat buddy.

I use stereo out on the Beat buddy and the Aeros so two right and two left in (4) and out(4) on a volume pedal is nothing I’ve seen or want to purchase, I think I spent enough for a feature that is normal at least it was with the rc300 that I was using there is allot to love with this new gear but ending a song is making me regret the purchase a bit, a live show would be awkward to just stop ya some songs can end ok but someone tell me there is a setting for this, PLEASE!


No, but it’s coming, or so they say. I’d assume that you looked at the features before buying, no?

Haha, yes actually I did but I obviously overlooked this as it seams like a no brainer. How long do you think there are quite a few different but similar requests.

It’s the last thing I need to make this perfect. They’ve gotten a lot of requests for it, so hopefully it will be coming out soon.

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Yeah that wonderful expression pedal jack is there just for looks. Can ya dig it? :sob:

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Ok so hopefully someone from singular sound can answer the time frame quick, does the 60 day guarantee cover satisfaction because if this is not coming as a feature within that time I’m tempted to jump, I’ll be researching options either way but common how hard could it be to control the volume with a function in code on both beat buddy and Aeros, I would be willing to spend time on the concept if it’s unclear but I think it’s pretty straight forward, I put in a new feature request, I know it’s not a new request but it is an important one, pretty much a deal breaker for me.

You can return the Aeros for any reason in the first 60 days if you purchased from our website, even if it just looks at you funny.

We will implement this soon hopefully, it is not long away from this point.

The BB volume can alreayd be controlled via MIDI, check out the BB MIDI commands here.

Thanks for your feedback!

This sets the volume to a set number correct, I was thinking of a fade, is that possible?