Loop trail mode

Do you have a ruff ETA is this like weeks, months, hours…

Dammit, I bought mine elsewhere and it has been giving me the stink eye here lately.
Probably the horrid sounds I pump into it.

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I could not answer that, but we could look into it! If you’d like to track a fadeout midi feature for the BeatBuddy itself you are free to make a feature request.

We do not give any level of estimate for the reason stated before, we apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

There is always progress, however, you can rest assured it will be done once we get there in the timeline. This is an important feature to get in before we are “finished”.

Sounds serious!

+1 To adjustable fade-out time!!

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This is coming to 4.2.x! We will be allowing fade for tracks by using muting and also fade in from stop and fade out to stop. These settings will not have an adjustable time, the fade-out time will be determined by the Stop settings and the fade-in lasts a little longer than one revolution of the longest loop. The mute setting will decide the length of the fade in/out in individual tracks

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Loving the fade!
Dream Scenario: open the mixer in 6x6…

hold mute = fade
Tap mute = instant mute (loop stops)

Maybe what I’m after already exists and I’m missing it? Seems like the fade function is “all or nothing” and I’d love a way to fade some and instantly mute others.


This is a great idea.

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Okay, I’ve actually had time to play around with the loop trail mode extensively, now. Some thoughts -

I’m sure some of this stuff has been brought up elsewhere, but this is just my experience. There are two main issues, as I see it. Lemme first say thanks for implementing this.

First, and most importantly, it needs an adjustable fade-in and end time, perhaps zero to 60 seconds. I do a lot in freeform mode, and when one has it set to end of loop, well, often my first loop is quite long, over a minute. That means that when pressing start, I have to wait a ridiculously long time for it to fade in. I think having end of loop/end of measure is a good thing, but it just doesn’t work for many soundscape situations that may have a long loop. Just adding a fourth option to have the duration slider would make this infinitely more useful. I also think this needs to be at the song level, not the global level, because some things are straightforward and don’t need a fade in. I definitely don’t want a fade in on every song, and to have to do a live set and go in between songs and turn fade on and off is not optimal.

Second thing, and I think this has been mentioned elsewhere… sometimes one wants some tracks to fade in and others to just play. It would be good to figure out a way, even if one has to go into the mixer before hand, and toggle fades on and off, or even if it has to be a CC command.

Again, almost there, just my 2 cents after jamming on it extensively for a few nights.


@LordRadish YES!


Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out, you will be happy to know that yes we will be allowing mute, unmute, start, and stop fades to be independently set to a custom amount (1-60s) or follow the loop/measure length automatically.

We will not however be making this a song setting.

This is currently being worked on but will not be available until after 4.3.x which will hopefully have a new beta out relatively soon.

I saw you responded to this in the other thread, too. I responded there. Thanks again.

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