Here are a couple of helpful keyboard shortcuts for the macOS version of the BBM.
I use them all the time in the BBM and macOS users can easily add them to their BBM app. The shortcuts are for exporting songs or folders from the BBM.
Here’s a link from Apple on how to do it. I’m also including screen shots of what they look like.
Sorry, but I could not find a way to add these shortcuts to the Windows version of the BBM.
You’re probably noticing that there is no keyboard shortcut for Synchronize Project and that’s because the macOS version of BBM 1.6.7 has an issue preventing it from working (the menu for that function is greyed out). Singular Sound had a developer fix this issue in an unreleased beta 1.7b2 or BBM Lean). The Synchronize Project capability works in this beta version but because it had as many bugs as the older beta versions, Singular Sound opted not to make this particular beta available. However, if you are a Mac user and you’d like to use the Synchronize Project instead of relying on the Export Project to SD card all of the time, feel free to contact me via PM and I’ll provide a link to the BBM Lean beta. Keep in mind though that it is an unsupported version but I’ve found it to be quite reliable and I’m able to easily work around the issues.