Free Bird OPB and OPBk-strings

Lynyrd Skynyrd


  • Two versions as backing tracks
  • Why backing tracks instead of BeatBuddy (BB) format songs? There are so many time signature and tempo changes that I found it easier to work these up as backing tracks.
  • What’s the difference between the two versions? The OPB omits the piano and organ intro in the first 15 seconds and the strings later in the song. The OPBk-strings has the piano and organ intro and the strings but is otherwise, pretty much the time.
  • Both versions fade out the outro.
  • For more information on making backing tracks, see Phil_Flood’s excellent tutorial at Using BB to play actual backing tracks - a short tutorial
  • See links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures

Song version_________Required kit

  • Unzip either or both of the files to your desktop.
  • Use the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) File - Import - Drum Set and when done, open the Drum Sets tab, scroll to the bottom of the list and check the box(es)
  • Go back to the Songs tab and import the v2 or v4 songs (or both)

Includes: 2 backing track songs along with the supporting drum sets and Chords & Lyrics

Free Bird OPB backing track - Lynyrd Skynyrd .zip (60.9 MB)

Free Bird OPBk-strings backing track - Lynyrd (63.1 MB)

Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)

Need some tutorials?


@persist you have officially jumped the shark.
