Standard pro with bass

Hi Phil, Pleased to meet you and the others here in the forum. This is my first post. I’ve only had my BB for a bit now and not a lot of time to play around but am reading up and am amazed that we can add bass (and other instruments) into the mix. Will you be so kind as to provide me the file so I can experiment with this?

i12rok (Randall)


The 62-91 kit found at the link below uses the same mapping and drum scheme as the Standard Pro with bass, and it is free. Download and install the kits. To install in BB Manager, use File>Import>DrumSet. Then the kit will be at the bottom of your Drum Sets lists in BB Manager. Check the box in front of the kit name to make it active.

To see how the kit is made, double click on the kit name in the BB Manager Drum Sets list. This will open the Drumset Maker window, and will show you which of the 128 midi slots have been used, and what is contained in the slots.

Sorry for the less than timely reply.


Hi Phil, I purchased the Standard Pro Kit. Can you tell me how to get the Standard Pro Bass kit? Thanks and have a great day!

Phil. Thanks for the detail. That has worked for those songs. But others, Take it Easy, Peaceful Easy Feeling, New Kid in Town, do not.
I see these others that require the NP Standard Pro BASS.

Is this the kit I must…
a) Purchase Beat Buddy Standard Pro library (
b) Provide you proof of purchase?

A thousand thanks for your help