STAX Coffee House kit

Original recordings of a collection of interesting stuff. Djembe, Monkey Stick (mine is all metal with tambourine style jingles), a rain stick, Uzbek Doira, aka Uzbek Tambourine, open tambourine, mallets and a box of chess pieces. Try it out.

Note that in the documentation, i refer to the Doira as a Kazakh tambourine. My bad, and my apologies to both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan for the confusion. The Uzbek gentleman who sold me the Doira and a Kashgar Rabab at the Santa Fe folk arts festival deserves better from me, as we spent several hours together playing these instruments.

Added to the percussion in this kit are:

Bowed Bass, C1 to G3, at midi 0-31
Hammered Dulcimer C1 to C4 at midi 60 through 96
Banjo, C#2 through G4, at midi 97 through 127