You might want to read p11 of the BEATBUDDY MANAGER Online Manual as it could help you understand one-press (OPB) songs. If you see forum songs with DOP, OPB & OPBk in the subject line, it indicates that these are one-press songs.
Yes, it is.
Yes, you can use the BBMO Copy Track and then Paste Track to copy the part from the Intro to say, Part 1 of the song. You’ll then have to delete the Intro part from the song.
The Unknowns indicates that you don’t have the user-created drum set imported to the BBMO. In the songs that I post to the forum, I indicate the name of the drum set that the song calls for. If you’re only interested in the one-press with drums, just import and edit the v1 version of my songs.
If you need more help or have other questions, feel free to post here or write Support, for assistance.
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