Based on that, although I still included the closed hi-hat to help keep in step with the song until the rocking part kicks in—I did try to keep the volume a little lower so that it wouldn’t be quite as noticeable.
What’s updated? I tried to simplify this song and just kept it to a DOP and OPB versions; I provided 2 alternate versions using different kits for more of a rocking sound; adjusted velocities; refreshed cheat sheet.
See updated links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures (TTP).
Song version_________Suggested kit
v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain; ALT uses Rock
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31; ALT uses Rock_V2_Bass_2_31
I may be wrong but when I’m listening to the song I think that there is something not perfectly right in the OPB (V2). At the end of the second chorus (as for the first) and before the instrumental bridge there are 4 bars (in Asus2), right ? I think the drums should come back in after these 4 bars (Daltrey singing). You made them come back after 2 bars. Not really a problem but it’s confusing.
Just to let you kknow.
Thank you for pointing this out. If I ever find another MIDI source file for Behind Blue Eyes, I’ll eventually get around to redoing the song. Probably not going to happen for a while, though.
There is a midi source here BEHIND BLUE EYES - THE WHO (OPB) that sounds good, however with the same 2 bars ahead momentum for the drums back in, if it helps…