Birthday - DOP, OPB & OPBk (UPDATED)

The Beatles

Notes: N/A

Suggested kit(s):

  • v1 Vintage Ludwig
  • v2 NP Vintage Ludwig Bass
  • v4 STAX EPiano & 2119 Organ

Includes: songs and Chords & Lyrics


this doesn’t seem to have the sng format for the beat buddy or am I missing something?

I post my songs in one-press format.

You can read more about it here Is there a guide to what OBPks and all those other Acronyms stand for listed anywhere? - #2 by persist

Am I missing something here? After trying various kits, the only drums in any of the 3 versions are late in the song and very sparse.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I probably did not include the drums track when exporting the file from my DAW to MIDI. Sorry…

I’ll fix the songs in the next few days and re-upload.

Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to it. I really appreciate all the work you do on here. I’m just getting started with BB.

I just tested the songs. Were you using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or the BBMO, or was it on the pedal?

This was with BBMO and I hear the same on the pedal - just a few random drum beats during the second half of the song, no other sound during the rest.

These are the first drums I see in the sng

Thanks. That’s what I’m seeing as well. I’m testing a new version in the BBMO but same results. It seems to work fine in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) and the pedal. More to follow.

UPDATE: I think it had something to do with the MIDI source file. This time around I used a different source. Tested it in the BBMO, BBM and the pedal. This version should work just peachy keen. Sotty for the problem with the first edition.

The Beatles


  • What’s provided: 3 songs, MIDI source file; adjusted velocities; refreshed cheat sheet
  • See updated links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures (TTP).

Song version_________Suggested kit

v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
v3 OPBk_____________STAX 4 octave piano & strings

Birthday - The (180.1 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist. No warranty implied or specified.

Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)—links are embedded in the blue text

Thanks! I’ll give it a try. :+1:

This works great now! Thanks again!

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