My aeros isnt connecting

So my new aeros connects to wifi successfully but when I go to updates it shows not connected and mine is running OS 2.2.0 so it needs some updating. Am I doing something wrong???

Hey there, definitely follow the link to our new beta (currently 2.15.5) posted above by @persist, 2.2.0 has had some issues connecting to WiFi in the past, so an update with an SD card will probably be best.

Thanks for the info. I’ll definitely go out and get an SD card and try what you suggested. Greatly appreciate it!!!

We suggest a class 10 32GB SD for best results with the Aeros (this beta update makes the SD card feature functional).

So my laptop doesnt have the same size memory card as the aeros. Is there a way I could download the new OS onto my laptop and transfer it via usb to the looper, or is an SD card the only way???

Nevermind. I’ll just have to get an adapter.

You can alternatively buy a USB that has the SD port.

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