Not a Second Time DOP, OPB, OPBk (UPDATED yet again)


  • BeatBuddy Manager >1.6b (latest beta)
  • Vintage Ludwig with bass drum set
  • Firmware v1.8.5 (recommended)

  • Not_a_Second_Time.sng (OPB = one press bass)
  • Chords and Lyrics
  • Midi source file
  • Midi file with separate bass and drums tracks (you can modify to taste)

Download Here

The Beatles

Notes: What’s updated? Added 2 versions (I’ve always like the piano in this song); adjusted the velocities.

Suggested kit(s): What’s updated? added versions, adjusted velocities.

  • v1 Vintage Ludwig
  • v2 NP Vintage Ludwig Bass (the NP Ludwig Bass is the same kit, just named differently).
  • v3 STAX AcousPiano& 2119 Hammond

Includes: 3 songs, MIDI source file and Chords & Lyrics

Not a Second Time (The Beatles).zip (56.7 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong , good or bad does not exist.

Hey Persist,
This is the second time I’ve downloaded a song, extracted and all then BBM won’t let me import a song (doesn’t turn blue). First time I quit out of BBM and reopened BBM and could import the song I had downloaded. Downloaded another song and again BBM won’t import it. Just closed and reopened BBM and could import the song.
What gives? Only allowed to import one song at a time?

Next question: For this song, Not_a_Second_Time (you recommend: Suggested kit(s): What’s updated? added versions, adjusted velocities.

  • v1 Vintage Ludwig
  • v2 NP Vintage Ludwig Bass
  • v3 STAX AcousPiano& 2119 Hammond

I have the NP Ludwig Bass and it is not right. The Vintage Ludwig is good, but no bass. So is NP Vintage Ludwig Bass out there some where?
Tom Stoltz
in Maine

Probably a bug in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM). Might be time to start the transition to the BeatBuddy Manager Online (BBMO).

The BBM allows you to select multiple songs for import.

with the exception of the “Vintage” in the title the two kits are the same. Try the NP Ludwig Bass kit with the v2 song. It will work and sound the same. I’ve edited the kits in post #2.

Finally downloaded all 3 versions (having to shut down & restart BBM for each song). And I have their correct drum kits and they all sound good. On v3 with the STAX kit piano is great but wish I could increase the volume on the bass.
BBMO – oh bother, more manuals to go thru – wonderful. Where would you suggest starting? Will everything I’ve done with BBM transfer over? It doesn’t appear to transfer from Loader to BBM.
Is BBMO any better than BBM or just more of the same?
Tom Stoltz
in Maine

Probably best to start at the beginning of the user guide.


In my opinion, it’s better in that many of the BBM’s bugs and issues have been resolved. Many users here on the forum believe the BBMO is much easier to learn and use than the BBM. YMMV…

The Beatles


  • Count-in included.
  • What’s updated? Adjusted velocities; refreshed cheat sheet.
  • See updated links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures (TTP).

Song version_________Suggested kit

v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
v4 OPBk-strings______STAX 4 octave piano & strings

Includes: 3 songs, MIDI file and Chords & Lyrics

Not a Second Time - The (62.3 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist. No warranty implied or specified.

Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)—links are embedded in the blue text