Brain Damage - DOP, OPB & OPBk (UPDATED)

Note: this was really a fun song and I might have gotten carried away (like a bear cub pawing his ____ for the first time; I used several of the synth tracks from the midi source file ;)


  • Final Lead Synth NP Bass (same as Phil Flood’s kit, I just renamed to the NP for the non-percussion bass)
  • Beta BeatBuddy Manager version ≥1.6b
  • Firmware > v1.8.5 (recommended)

    Includes: Song, chords & lyrics and midi source file

Download Here

Pink Floyd


  • Count-in included
  • What’s updated? Different source file (not included); 2 new versions; adjusted velocities; refreshed cheat sheet.
  • Link (in blue font) to new user resources

Song version_________Suggested kit

v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
v3 OPBk_____________STAX Hammond 2082 & Strings

Includes: 3 songs, MIDI source file and Chords & Lyrics

Brain Damage - Pink (56.7 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist. No warranty implied or specified.

Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)—links are embedded in the blue text


Hi, I’m new to the community and just dicovering the possibilities of the beatbuddy. I understand how to upload a song (sng file) in the beatbuddy manager but what should I do with the .mid file included in your zip ? Thanks for your help.

Thank you for your interest in my work.

As long as it’s a non-commercial MIDI file, I usually include the file that I used to craft the song with. It’s for those users that would like to modify the song using a digital audio workstation (DAW).

If you don’t use a DAW or otherwise need to modify the song, the MIDI file has no purpose and you can ignore or delete it.

Thanks a lot, I got it!

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May I take this opportunity to ask a question on another subject. I see a lot of songs “with bass” and I imported some (ex/ Clapton’s unplugged nobody knows you in C). However when I play the song with the BB manager there is no bass line at all. Could you tell me why ?
Thanks again for your help.

I also answered your other post to the NOBODY KNOWS… song thread.

The reason you don’t hear any bass is because you probably don’t have the drum sets that the songs were crafted with. If you’re using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM), it will usually identify that a kit is missing (or not active) with an asterisk in front of the name of the Default Drum Set. You’ll have to search the forum on “Missing” drum kits, go to that Dropbox link, sort thru the list, find the kit, download, import and then activate.

For the BBMO, it may just identify Standard as the song’s Drum Set:
If it’s one of the songs I’ve posted, I post the name of the required kit.

I also post some helpful tips that new users might find useful, e.g., here’s a partial list of my tips:

Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)—links are embedded in the blue text

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That’s clear now, thanks so much ! Indeed I have the asterix on BB Manager.
So I’m going to do the search right now!

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