Note: just couldn’t find the right sound for a kit with keys and horns so split this into an OPB with horns and an OPB with keys.
- v1 & v2 NP StdPBass 63-91
- v3 NP Standard Bass Horns
- v4 NP Big BOSE Jazz Trio XRp
- Beta BeatBuddy Manager version ≥1.6b
- Firmware > v1.8.5 (recommended)
Includes: 4 songs & chords & lyrics
Download Here
Edison Lighthouse
- Count-in included.
- What’s updated? Several new versions; adjusted velocities; refreshed cheat sheet.
- See updated links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures (TTP).
Song version_________Suggested kit
v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
v3 OPB-sstrings_____NP P-Bass and BETTER STRINGS XRL
v3 OPB-brass________NP Standard Bass Horns
v4 OPB______________STAX EPiano & 2119 Organ
v4 OPBk-strings______STAX 4 octave piano & strings
v4 OPBk-brass_______STAX 4 octave piano & Brass
Includes: 7 songs, MIDI file and Chords & Lyrics
Love Grows - Edison (134.7 KB)
Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist. No warranty implied or specified.
Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)—links are embedded in the blue text