I don’t recall what I did with this song but several posts in this thread appear to be gone which might have explained things. So here’s what I’ve done. I downloaded the original zip file and saved and exported the songs into a single zip file from the BBMO. All 3 versions should display the kits the songs were made with.
The v3 song was created from a different MIDI source file (not included) and if I recall correctly, it was probably from a live version.
My apologies for causing any confusion.
See updated links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures (TTP).
I’ve downloaded it several times, and often, I don’t have any sound and yet it starts. It’s not easy when you don’t speak English like me. Can you give me a link to explain what I’m missing and how to get it? THANKS °°°° edit°° I hadn’t seen the links, I’m going to try it…thank you for your responsiveness
I’m going to look for the setting on the bb to “Default Drum set: Enabled”
I think I’m not good
v1 Rock 1.1 (what is it? how do you get it)
v2 NP StdPBass 63-91 (what is it? how do we get it)
Beta BeatBuddy Manager version ≥1.6b (I’m on the browser version)
Firmware > v1.8.5 (recommended) (I’ll start there, I think I’ll get there)I’m really sorry it’s very hard… fortunately on the Aeros there is the possibility of putting it in French
I posted this song on the forum 5 years ago and since then there have been many updates to the software. For example 1.8.5 referred to the BeatBuddy (BB) pedal firmware back then.
Thank you for translating your questions to English.
This refers to older user drum sets. The v1 indicates that the song has only one-press drums and they play from start to finish with one tap of the pedal. The v2 song refers to songs with drums and bass; v3 songs are drums, bass and other instruments, etc.
You can use the Rock kit on the v1 song. It is one of the default drum sets that came with your pedal.
You can find the other kit (and many others) by searching this link: "Missing" drum kits from the Forum
thank you all for your responsiveness I will read all of that… that said I have a lot of drum kits on my baby. I bought it used and its previous owner had bought a lot of kit which worked very well. by downloading your “A Forest” files I tested other styles with the central button and none worked