Low Rider - DOP, OPB, OPBh & OPBk-brass (UPDATED—again)

Although the Jazz Upright kit and the Standard Pro have the drum instruments needed for this song, I liked the sound of the Standard Pro better and went with it. If you want to use the Jazz Upright kit, you’ll have to retool the midi source file as the drum notes are different for the two kits.


  • Standard Pro drum set
  • Beta BeatBuddy Manager version 1.6b or newer
  • Firmware v1.8.5 (recommended) or newer

  • Low Rider sng file (OPB = one press bass)
  • Chords and Lyrics
  • Midi source file
  • Joined Midi tracks for bass and drums

Download Here



  • I’ve taken this song through a couple of iterations and I’m working my way up from the first songs I posted to the forum. This version uses a new MIDI source file; instruments have the velocities reduced for consistency with all of my other songs (posted within the last year); now includes two new versions and they all use the complete range of drum instruments to give the song it’s latin flavor; cheat sheet has also been updated.
  • Link (in blue font) to new user resources

Suggested kit(s):

Includes: 3 songs, MIDI source file and Chords & Lyrics

Low Rider - War.zip (151.5 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist.

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Thanks. Liked the earlier versions well enough but after only a few rehearsal attempts we never got around to performing it. I think sometimes a “rhythmically catchy” song can get too heavy repeating the rhythm to pull off live. This is where some clever MIDI work can shine. Latin parts, keys, etc can turn it. Always appreciate the time you take to notate the thought that went into the development.

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Thanks for updating this one Persist… Nicely done… :beers:

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  • Count-in included.
  • What’s updated? 1 new version; adjusted velocities; refreshed cheat sheet.
  • See updated links at bottom of this post for tips, techniques and procedures (TTP).

Song version_________Suggested kit

v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
v4 OPB-horns________NP Standard Bass Horns
v5 OPBk-brass_______Motown Piano & Brass (my favorite version)

Includes: 4 songs, MIDI file and Chords & Lyrics

Low Rider - War.zip (73.7 KB)

Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist. No warranty implied or specified.

Helpful Links (Tips, Techniques and Procedures)—links are embedded in the blue text