BeatBuddy Firmware 4.1.x “Options, lots of options!”

Hi Guifreitas,

Did you ever find solution for the issue you were having after the update of the firmware?
I have been having he same issue for over a year now. I have tried going back to old firmware, but that doesn’t seem to work. It would be nice if there were links to old firmware versions. Then those of us having this issue could at least try various versions until maybe one of them stopped the issue of drumsets not changing.

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New member here: I’m trying to update the latest firmware version 4.1.x and I had problems initially trying to load the update from my iMac to the pedal. I purchased a cf card reader, and that seems to be working…maybe? it’s been almost 2 hours, and it still on updating Beat Buddy Firmware. Perhaps it’s because I copied over all the new songs, effects, data, Accent, drum sets, params, to the CF card? All of those folders. Hopefully, it’s just slow. Thoughts?

It’s going on 3 hours

It didn’t work. I’ve ordered another CF card (guess that card became corrupted)…hoping that this works. If it doesn’t, I guess I’ll send it back to Amazon. Really don’t want to do that!

The BeatBuddy requires SDHC 4-32GB cards (with class 10 speeds preferred) and not CF cards.

In the meantime, use the 4Gb SDHC card that came with your pedal to update the firmware. It should only take a minute or two to update.

If you continue to have problems, contact

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It did not work with an Inland 32 GB card class 10 HDSC card. I’ll send an email with pics to you.

It’s fixed…firmware updated: What happened was the original files were erased, and somehow the those files were saved on my computer, but they got corrupted. I found the default BeatBuddy setup, and installed that with the latest update, and am now good to go.