How-To: Report bugs and Request Features (Tagging of the Forum)

Note: If you are making a Bug Report, please include the firmware of your unit in the body of your post. Thanks.

Hey all,

Please review this document for more information on tagging of threads on the forum and how to report bugs and request features.

Bug Reports

We will be reviewing and tagging the all Bug Reports with the following tags:

Here is an explanation of each tag:

  • under-investigation - This bug is waiting to be reproduced so that we can verify if the bug is present or not.
  • in-dev-timeline - This bug is on our list of things to do, but will not be addressed in the next upcoming release.
  • in-progress - We are working on the bug actively to fix for an upcoming release. If it is not in the next release, usually it will be in the one following.
  • beta - This request has been implemented in the latest beta version.
  • fixed - This bug has been fixed in the current official released version of the firmware.
  • not-a-bug - This means the bug posted was proven to not be a bug. For example, if the “bug” is being caused by external factors other than the unit. Another example is if the expected behavior of the unit in that scenario is mistakenly considered a bug.
  • not-reproducible - This bug was not reproducible by our testing team, you may need to give more information about your settings or revise the steps given.
  • duplicate - The bug posted is a duplicate of another posting and will most likely be moved, closed, or deleted.
  • resolved - The bug posted was resolved in a matter that did not require a software fix

Please note, we will only be tagging the report made in the original post. Additional bug reports made in the comments of a thread will not be considered while tagging.

How to Submit a Bug Report:

Report the bug to the right place!

BeatBuddy - Help, Questions and Bugs
BeatBuddy Plug in - BeatBuddy Plugin Help & Questions
BBMO - BBMO Help & Questions
Aeros - Help, Questions and Bugs
MIDI Maestro / MIDI Maestro App -Help, Questions and Bugs

Please include as much of the following information as you can in your Bug Reports:

Example Bug Report

  • Description: What actually happened?
  • Version Number: x.x.x
    • include all version numbers that may be relevant e.g. Ableton version number, HX Stomp firmware number, computer OS, etc
    • For example, if using the BeatBuddy Plug in, please tell us:
      • The type of computer, like Mac or Windows. If Mac, please specify if it is intel based or ARM (M1, M2, M3, etc)
      • The specific OS version you are using, like Catalina 10.15.7
      • The DAW you are using, and the version of the DAW
  • Steps To Reproduce (Please number the steps for clarity):
  • Expected vs actual Behavior (What did you expect to have happened and what are you seeing instead?):
  • Visual proof : Photo, video, audio

Relevant Logs


  • Aeros has a “logs” subfolder in the SD card, an SD card must be connected, please send all logs in the folder. Turn on the Active Logger in the Diagnostics settings in the device menu to record extra logs

BeatBuddy Plugin

  • PC location
    • Find the VST3 file (“BeatBuddyEmulator.vst3”) in " C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" folder
    • Find the BeatBuddy-Drumset library (“BeatBuddy-Drumset-x86-v0-0-5.dll”) in " C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3"
    • Logs: C:\Users\XXXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Singular Sound
  • Mac location
    • Find the VST3 file (“BeatBuddyEmulator.vst3”) in “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3” folder
    • Find the BeatBuddy-Drumset library (“BeatBuddy-Drumset-x86-v0-0-5.dylib”) in “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3”
    • Logs: Macintosh HD> Users > "User " > Library > Singular Sound > BeatBuddyLogs_xxxxx.txt

If we cannot reproduce the bug, we will likely not be able to fix it, please be as clear as possible when reporting an issue to us, thank you!

Aeros Specific information

Song configuration:

  • Song saved: SD | Aeros
  • Record: Mono | Stereo
  • Track button action: RPO | ROP
  • Number of tracks: 6x6 | 2x2
  • Song Grid Mode: Freeform | Quantized | Auto
  • Count in: On | Off and # of beats
  • Sync rule: start & length | length | off
  • MIDI Mode: Transmitter (Master) | Receiver (Slave)
  • MIDI Output: Out | Merge | Thru | Off

Other important info:

  • Change song part: Immediate | End of measure | End of Loop
  • Stop song: Immediate | End of measure | End of Loop
  • With equipment : BeatBuddy | Midi maestro | other
  • the original song file and/or files from your SD/internal drive

This is not a complete list of potentially relevant Aeros settings, please include any relevant information, it can be very useful to record a video of you scrolling through your Song and Device settings to send to, some details could matter in different cases. We may ask you to send us logs from your Aeros by using an SD card.

Feature Requests

If it is a batch request in the original post, we will tag as batch and ask user to please repost as individual reports, this helps keep track of progress on requested bugs. Read more about batch requests below.

We will be tagging Feature Requests as following:

Here is an explanation of each tag:

  • under-consideration - We have seen your request and will respond soon whether or not we will be implementing the request.
  • in-dev-timeline - This request is on our list of things to do, but will not be addressed in the next upcoming release
  • in-progress - We are working on the request to implement for an upcoming release. If it is not in the next release, usually it will be in the one following.
  • med-long-term - we plan on implementing this in the future.
  • beta - This request has been implemented in the latest beta version.
  • implemented - This request has been implemented in the current official released version of the firmware.
  • duplicate - The request posted is a duplicate of another posting and will most likely be deleted.
  • considered - We have looked over the request but will not be implementing it. This is subject to change.

Please note, we will only be tagging the request made by OP in the first post. Requests made in the process of the discussion of the request(s) will not be considered while tagging.

If it is a batch request by OP, we will tag as batch and ask user to please repost as individual requests, this helps keep track of progress on requested features.

This is in the hopes of both reviewing all the requests made and also giving a little more clarity on what we are planning on doing.

How to submit a feature request:

  1. Make sure you are in the appropriate category before creating a feature request, each product category has its own feature request sub-category
  2. Do a quick search of key terms to make sure that the feature request does not already exist, if it does it will be tagged duplicate, closed, and/or moved to a more appropriate category. We may also merge the request with the original request in some cases.
  3. Clearly state one feature you would like to see on the product using as much detail as possible, the more detailed you are the easier it is to follow the full idea. There is also such a thing as too much info!
  4. Try and trim your post and format it so it’s easy to read. We know we have a lot of mad scientists on here, but a clean, easy-to-read post will do more for your case!

No Batch requests/posts.

  • If you have 3 separate issues, there should be 3 separate topics made, one for each issue. This helps us keep track of requests/bugs and organize them more easily. It also makes it much easier for us to track duplicates.
  • Batch feature requests as of 7/8/20 will be asked to re-input the issues separately, and the original post will be moved, closed, and/or merged by a moderator

Read all of the Forum Rules here:

Thanks, and as always,

Keep Rockin’ :sunglasses: