An updated list of songs I intend to post as of 1-31-2025…
I try to post at the rate of ~ 3 songs per week (usually Tuesday thru Thursday and posting from the oldest on my list first); if a user has made a request and I’m filling it, it will most likely not appear on this list. I’ll vary the order from the list slightly so that I occasionally upload a newly transcribed song or two along with an update of an older posted song.
Please keep in mind that this is a list of songs I intend to post. With the exception of the songs with a slash and numbers prefixing the song title), none of the songs on the list have been posted yet.
The song titles preceded by “FO” is a reminder for me that when I post the song, it includes a fade-out. If it includes “TS”, it means the tempo has been time-stretched and if it has an “R” it means the song has a ritardando (RI, RO meaning in the Intro or Outro).
If you are interested, here’s the search results for the songs I’ve posted to the forum: Click on the blue text: persist’s songs
I have posted 1377 songs to date and you can find those I’ve already posted by searching the forum using an advanced search with my name in the songs category.
Hi. Easiest way is to use the forum search function and enter the song title. If you don’t have the user-created drum set the song version calls for, you’ll need to search, download, unzip, use the BBM to import and then activate it. Sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is. On the forum you can click on the Category drop down menu and choose BeatBuddy/Song Files or bookmark this link for a list of recently posted songs
Keep in mind that this is a list of songs I intend to post so most of the songs on the list haven’t been posted yet.